There’s merit in originality. There’s merit in authenticity—which is the ongoing acknowledgement and taking responsibility of your uniqueness. Adhering to it. If you’re an Artist—an Artist of any type, you know to avoid the confinement of trying to conform. Resist conformity. The significance of your individuality can never understated nor underestimated. Resist letting them make you conform for their comfort. Resist not thinking about the things that happen and are going on around you. Resist sitting still when you know you really want to dance. Resist…resisting and just let it all happen just make sure you let things happen. Bad things will happen but then good things will happen too. Strive to make things happen when there’s nothing going on. Making things happen is to vibrate. Move and shake and let the energy out to affect things around you. Be offensive and defensive and attractive. Don’t think too much but just do. Do. Do. Do enough to make them think…and to think…and to think…about moving and doing. Doing themselves. Being themselves.

Out of the Darkness comes everything—EVERYTHING! Even the Light.

I’m here to help you. I’m black. I’m Black. I’m Liam Ian Black. Out of the Darkness came…Me.

While still surviving and striving with my Artistry and Creativity; Art, Design, Photography and Entrepreneurship, I’m maintained because Vision, Mission, Meaning and Purpose. My hope is to help others to survive and thrive. With so many unalived or imprisoned or forgotten about and cast aside—left depressed, diminished, devalues and destroyed thru the many different aspects of racial inequality, my goal—our goal—is to further Appreciate, Encourage and Inspire others to find meaning, value, worth and purpose within their own lives. This is an ongoing endeavor. It’s a journey that many others take on but in any case, it’s an essential endeavor to embark upon.

Spiritually Charged!

I am Order and Chaos. I am Chaos and I am Order. I am it all because that is the Nature of things.

The key for me in transitioning and transcending the worlds of Art and Entrepreneurship—Creativity and Business—is to keep my eyes on reviewing, writing and planning. Even in managing the chaos of creativity, I must continually come to terms that the chaos is essential to understanding and accepting order…and the ebb and flow of them both—the rise and fall, the intensity and relaxing of the energies and activities that make everything else matter. In understanding this and everything around me, I then see the meaning, purpose and significance of my authentic self.

Honesty and integrity to what I like and who I am and how all of it defines what I do, am interested in and attracted to and then that for which I produce. I strive then…to be me resisting the urge to be like everyone and everything else. I am—as you are—a key and fundamental aspect of what makes this reality a true work of art. I am a unique, individual and special ingredient to the fabric of what we call reality.


LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - LIAM IAN-Ai™ - - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)⩀ All Rights Reserved.



Adhering to our 2024 RED BOOK PLANS, we’re creating with the intention of not only expressing our interests, concerns, paradigms and artistic perspectives but to also market products that have specific and unique meaning and purpose to those we’re most interested in. While our audience is large and diverse, we’re still actively interested and engaged with Communities of Color, Ethnicity and Culture. As our Arts Quarter is dedicated to the development of manual and handmade physical artworks and pieces, we’re striving to stay focused on the theme of 2024 (“The Dichotomy of…” LIAM IAN) and those categories that we’ve already established ourselves within.

Here is our preliminary list of artworks and artwork categories we’ll be entertaining and creating:

JANUARY - DRAWING & SKETCH: Getting back to a place of authenticity and originality for creating. Where the mind once had a place to fulfill its dreams.

FEBRUARY - SKETCH & PAINT: Getting more elaborate with what’s being done. Centralizing the ideas to go beyond the pen and the pad to things more complex and therefore sophisticated.

MARCH - PAINTING & PHYSICAL MULTIMEDIA: That integration of the complex and sophisticated to things that are much more of the everyday and modern world. Extracting the different elements to set them as ingredients for an artistry that should be unlimited.

As we’re in business to stay creative, we’re working to further bring order to the chaos of creativity that influences and informs who we are. Our schedule is keep our focus on the things that truly matter. It’s about process and patience. Skill, intention and vision. It’s about the innate ability to manifest what resides inside waiting to be set free.


We believe in the capacity to develop messages that carry powerful meaning and purpose to People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture. Standing out and apart from means a lot to us. Much more is the ability to create and manifest that which is honest to us and who we are.


At our foundations, LIAM IAN LLC is specifically and solely designed to reflect the attitude and disposition of Liam Ian Black (William B. Philpot IV) as an African American Artist, Designer, Photographer and Entrepreneur. Our path is to continue to impact and make an impression upon Black and Brown African American Culture and Community in America.

2024 serves to Appreciate, Encourage and Inspire people to not only continue to create but to create with Vision, Mission, Meaning and Purpose. Within our ARTS Quarter, we’re developing custom works inspired by established art and artists marketed for high-end markets and audiences. Incorporating a minimalist tone, composition and structure our works are cultivated with the intention of adding abstract depth and value while still containing and conveying classic cultural concepts and ideas.



As the ongoing aspect of creating, we’re furthering our activities with Ai Art and Ai Art Generators to produce works for other project, product and service developments. We’re leveraging our access, assets and resources to further our custom IP and selective messages.


  • REWRITING THE LANDSCAPE: Ideas and Concepts Turned Black. We’re taking a look at what has been done to develop the new. The goal is to innovate upon who we were to get to the next level of who we need to be.


  • BLACK HISTORY MONTH: Empowering Imagery for the African American. Immersing ourselves within the place of Art within Black and Brown Culture to produce Inspiring and Empowering Images. Not just in history though but also in conjuring ideas, concepts and visions of the Future.


  • CREATING NARRATIVES: The Power of Images to Influence and Impact. As we further create and engage other technologies to create, we’re stepping into dynamic storytelling to further appreciate, celebrate and empower. Moving into the 2nd Quarter, we’re preparing for Design works that will help continue the cultivation of positive messages.

The following Quarter of Design promises to be one full of innovative and meaningful designs and messages. As we look and seek to elevate ourselves within and beyond all the issues of this world, we’ll also be striving to develop and fulfill projects that will serve for the following Quarters. Our DESIGN Quarter begins the 14th Week of 2024, Sunday March 31.



“The Dichotomy of The Modern Black Man” - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)

The Motivation Book is a basic and common-sense approach to influencing and impacting the ideas and perspectives of African Americans and People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within Urban Areas (with a targeted and specific focus on the Washington, DC Metropolitan Areas).

As I am and continue to be afforded with life, I must play an impact. It is my job and priority to protect myself, my family and the potential of us into the future but I must also play a part in trying to improve things. It doesn’t matter by what or how but that I did…something.

*Creation of this Private Publication will include the use and guidance of Ai.

This book—as developed during our 2024 theme of “The Dichotomy of…”—is special in entertaining and introducing concepts and ideas that should go further to reinforce the potential and potential place of African American, Black and other People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture into the future. Our place is secured because have and continue to persevere beyond hate, discrimination, and multifaceted multileveled kinds of genocide.

The primary task of The Motivation Book is to introduce new ideas and concepts of and for People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within a prioritization of Pride, Value, Mission and Worthiness. The ideas and concepts stem from those activities done by Liam Ian Black and LIAM IAN LLC. The interest is to create beyond the confines of those things that were brought and introduced to ethnic groups by Europeans. The tools that still exist today to further encourage the enslavement, degradation and dysfunction of People of Color for the benefit of legacy governments, capitalism and selective societal empowerment.

We seek to address how People of Color operate with strategic dysfunctions in this modern that work more to diminish and destroy themselves than to truly empower and build them up. Thru the telling of stories that should reflect the issues and plights of the modern day, Brown, Dark Brown and Black People should be placed and conveyed in the forefront. Financial Intelligence, Aptitude and Wisdom. Family Structures and Key Strategic Relationships for Healthy Cultural and Communal Identities. Whether by basic imagery and representation within that imagery or key products that are associated with those groups targeted, the fact is that products must be created that further encourage and inspire…especially for African Americans.

The NūHUMAN Project & Foundation

As we are still furthering our efforts to cultivate this project, we are incorporate the ideas and concepts developed for The Motivation Book to those help govern The NūHUMAN Project. Our intention is to align products so that they make sense longterm and therefore can translate consistent messages across project boundaries. We believe in the potential to reform the identities of Black and Brown People by first instilling values and principles that run counter to what is being perpetuated today.


This year’s theme is yet again to reveal much more of who I am and polar aspects that make me the man I am. Out of a lot of unfortunate and dysfunctional circumstances, I’ve been able to sustain a measurably healthy and stable life for me and mine. While I’m sure this is not too different for others, I understand that there are opposites to who we are and what makes us. The joys and the pains. The successes and the failures. The hurt and healing. As I delve further thru Art, Design and Photography who I am, I further illustrate the different facets of who I am as an African American Man.


LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - LIAM IAN-Ai™ - - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)⩀ All Rights Reserved.



My life has been rich with moments that would compel me to think and ponder and—perhaps—romanticize over the nature of my life and existence. I was born without clear purpose or meaning or value. I was an unwanted child. Throughout my childhood I would come to know pain, sorrow, loss, misfortune, responsibility, hatred, abandonment, and even abuse. I would come to know these things way too well. They would define me and everything I would ultimately aspire to do. While I would also come to know joy and happiness and fortunate…and to some specific degree privilege and abundance, all of the negative seemed to cast a very dramatic and powerful shadow. It’s thru most of this that I would come to understand or at least appreciate purpose and meaning. Meaning and purpose within our lives—our actions and activities. Our studies and experiments. Our products and even in how we serve…as people. How we serve others and even ourselves. I believe that purpose and meaning are sometimes the critical defining factors that lead us to greater paths…or not.

During this Arts Quarter, I’ve discovered that I am no more in love with the tasks or efforts in handmade art as I am with doing uneventful tasks…unless there is specific purpose. With that in mind, my Spirituality as an African American Man will always stand at the forefront. My Spirituality isn’t defined nor governed by what is familiar to Christians nor other groups. While my roots are in the Catholic and Christian communities, I’ve come to a place where my Spirituality must—must—be custom and unique. Individual and an outlier. I believe in that which existed for People of Color before the doctrines and definitions and the associated destruction brought and wrought by Euro-Caucasians.

“The Dichotomy of…” stands as a great way to reveal who I am and the often polar aspects that influence and impact my life. Even within the distinctions of the two, there’s an abundance of elements and ingredients that reside within the middle. Incorporating my Spirituality and those associated beliefs, ideas, concepts, paradigms and perspectives is much more fundamental now than ever before.


The fact is that using Ai Art Generators allow for greater levels of production and output for work requests, commissions and associated projects. The ethical debates and arguments are that there is a lack of authenticity, security concerns and activities of copyright infringement when using these platforms but I argue that they are tools that cannot and therefore should not be avoided.

I—as an Artist, Entrepreneur, Employee, Father and Husband—believe that Ai has both many benefits and ample dangers to be extensively reviewed, analyzed and understood in their entirety. Integration of Ai is something that should be done at every level especially when the large and impactful social and economic structures begin to incorporate them. When large companies and institutions—as they have classically—integrate systems of technology to increase production, save on expenses, refine for efficiency and impact to drive greater revenues thru a carefully curated perception of value and social impact, these systems have not so readily served to successfully or


While in the business of Art, Design and Photography, we’re in the business of being in business. Our identities, brands, IP and revenues must be dependent on our custom and individual works aside from Ai Generated kinds. We must not lose our identities for the sake of making money. We must not sell our very capacities to create because we want to see revenues. It’s akin to selling our souls to survive.

We see the use of Ai as a tool. Not an end-all or be all but a tool to assist in the creative process. How this can vary and be applied to different situations and circumstances is of course circumstantial but we’re committed to not losing ourselves to a tool that has the capacity to so much. We set the limits and we strive to stay as transparent as possible. With that said, we’re using Ai to assist in product and project development processes.

We’re also including Ai within select operational and performance activities as to streamline efficiency and effectiveness as to also improve and enhance general revenue generation thru successful customer and client interactions. The Art of Business does now—and must—include Ai integration. This integration takes thoughtfulness, care, and planning. Direction, definitions, rules and measurement. Industry assess and analysis. Information monitoring and buffering. Legal understandings and constant ethical review.

While resisting as much as possible, we understand the place of this new, profound and ever-evolving tool that is already surrounding us to so many degrees and in so many ways. Yes, we’re in business to create and to perform more than well for our clients, customers and associated audiences but we’re also in the business of being true and authentic to who we are as humans endowed with profound levels of creativity. Our competitive edge has always been in our unique individualities and so this is what we strive to bring along as we continue to innovate into the future.

🖥️ : 2024. - NEW WALL ARTWORK ON ETSY! - LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - LIAM IAN-Ai™ - - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) All Rights Reserved


Here we are looking to develop new products that cater to the African American identity and spirit. That identity that existed not too long ago but which was so very impactful to culture and life. We’re now introducing—within the ARTS Quarter—wall art that encourages and inspires a resurgence of what was lost.

“Vintage Black. Not So Vintage!”

As a part of our “The Dichotomy of…” theme for 2024, we’re revealing how music and those associated environments helped to fuel the creative passion of William B. Philpot to eventually change and transition into the creative professional now known as Liam Ian Black.

Jazz helped to lay the ground work and foundations of those ideas that would inform what it is to be an Artist, Designer and Photographer. The aesthetic of being a product of Jazz before Hip Hop and Rap, the world seemed to exist within sepia tones reminiscent of being Black and a product of the Earth. Thru music came and comes the truth of being tied to much more than we might ever know. We are guardians and stewards of Nature and Life and Peace.

Intellectualism and Analysis. We are much more than they would have us be.

LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - LIAM IAN-Ai™ - - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) All Rights Reserved.



With 2024 fast approaching, we’re looking to reposition to become a better business operation catering to a more refined yet still diverse audience. Strategically, we want to offer products and services that truly add value and substance to our customers and clients. We’re strive to redefine what is to be of influence and impact for tomorrow. While Art, Design and Photography are the core of who and what we are, we’re moving much more into technologies in Ai Art Generation and Animation paving the way info dynamic storytelling. What might be the normal everyday for someone else, we’re changing the perspective of life to be like art. We are Art!

Beginning within the 2024 Arts Quarter, we’re developing projects and products that embody and symbolize who I am—who we are—within the African American communities with the hope of acting as signals of the potential of our collective futures. LIAM IAN will be using the opportunities to create to move further and further into setting the stage to introduce the necessities of a progressive life for People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture.

As I further my journey into the discovery and development of my Artistry, my Artistic Capabilities and the Style that would become my Signature, I’m informed and encouraged to also delve deep into who I am as a Black Man and Artist who’s endured and survived much. The light and the dark. The good and the bad. The dualities of who I am and the dichotomy of my life. Reducing it all down; “The Dichotomy of…LIAM IAN.” As my Spirituality inspires me, it inspires my Art. I am the product of years of detriment and deprivation. Death and cultural deterioration. In having come out resilient from being abandoned and cast aside and fatherless, I continue to discover, reveal and establish who I am within and amongst this world. —LIAM IAN




Milestones. When milestones are made and achieved, you should always make time to look back appreciate where you came from to gain perspective on where you’re headed. Started in entrepreneurship as doing small business research and virtual assistance and support services only to move on into Art, Design and Photography, we’ve now successfully integrated the two of thees business platforms into one.


Now official, we’re provided support services for businesses and entrepreneurs under the LIAM IAN LLC brand dissolving the BURRELL BUSINESS RESEARCH LLC aspects and assets. Now we’re not just doing creative works for our clients but now assisting with integrating solutions within operations with those creative platforms, systems and assets that are specifically and custom designed for them and them only.

We take pride in providing and applying common-sense paradigms, perspectives and approaches to not only doing business but also in aligning the various aspects to strengthen the brand, brand identity and visibility and the overall reputation of the business as connected to the brand and design aesthetics.


Intelligence. Ethnicity. Innovation.

Positive Images of Black Power, Potential and Privilege.

Nothing more encourages me, informs me, impacts me than the image of People of Color in America thriving thru and within Personal Identity. The resilience we display is profound. The resilience displayed…is…profound. Despite the dysfunction that has become a part of us. Despite the dangers that stand before us (…just because of the color of our skin). Despite the blatant attempts by us sometimes to destroy, diminish or disregard who we are and even our presence within society, there is is still something so special about who and what we are. I believe in us and what we can do if we’re encouraged and inspired in the ways and directions to do so.

As a matter of The NūHUMAN Project, we’re getting engaged and together to begin planning new products to represent the project and the inherent intent. Content, Media and Messaging that are to be influential and impressionable to the next generations of “Black” and African Americans, we’re getting into the planning phase. We want to bring to the forefront the most important and essential aspects, principles and values that will help turn around the direction for which African Americans are headed and the opportunities that will stand before them.


…to participate within a dedicated forum to assess the needs and needed expectations of what should be established today to address and inform the people of tomorrow. We truly want to assess what it will or at least might take to counter the current and modern influences that truly do no good for the collective interest, identity and/or spirit of “Black”, African American and People of Color within America.




JusTHOUGHTS: Juste Thoughts — Thoughts that have merit and right within them and their meanings. Thoughts that contribute to a just society and state of being. Justice and Fairness especially for and towards those who truly deserve them.

Art is just one aspect of being Creative. Words and Thoughts are truly the initial structures, ideas and concepts to bringing Art and Creativity to light and reality.

This project proposal is for the development of a custom IP Product the convey positive and reaffirming messages to “Black” Men and People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within American society.

This project is to develop a multiphase product series starting with special IP Publication Products leading to Apparel and other peripheral items.



I MAKE THE RULES. I make the rules because this life is to be one masterpiece amongst many. “THE CREATIVITY OF LIFE” is a concept and philosophy that is very important to me.

The philosophy of "The Creativity of Life" is what I believe to be almost the single most important aspect of perceiving and understanding life. Its a concept that celebrates the inherent creative potential within every aspect of existence. It emphasizes that life itself is a dynamic and ever-evolving process, urging us to embrace our own creative instincts and engage with the world in a transformative and imaginative manner. This philosophy I’ve customized to fit my life, my paradigms and who I am encourages us to recognize the interconnectedness of all things and to actively participate in shaping our own experiences and the world around us through creative expression.

1. Embracing the Creative Spirit:

"The Creativity of Life" philosophy invites us to acknowledge and embrace the creative spirit that resides within each of us. It recognizes that creativity is not limited to artists and innovators but is an intrinsic aspect of being human. By nurturing our creative instincts, we can tap into our unique abilities to imagine, innovate, and bring forth new ideas, perspectives, and solutions.

2. Seeing the World as a Canvas:

This philosophy encourages us to view the world as a canvas waiting to be shaped and transformed. It invites us to engage with our surroundings with a sense of curiosity and wonder, seeking inspiration in the ordinary and finding beauty in unexpected places. By recognizing the creative potential in every moment, we can infuse our lives with meaning and purpose.

3. Embracing Change and Growth:

"The Creativity of Life" philosophy recognizes that life is a process of continuous change and growth. It encourages us to embrace this inherent dynamism and to approach challenges and transitions with a creative mindset. By adapting, learning, and evolving, we can navigate the ebb and flow of life's ever-changing landscape and unlock new possibilities for personal and collective transformation.

4. Cultivating Authenticity and Self-Expression:

This philosophy emphasizes the importance of authenticity and self-expression. It encourages us to tap into our innermost passions, values, and beliefs, allowing them to guide our creative endeavors. By expressing ourselves honestly and authentically, we not only honor our true nature but also inspire others to do the same, fostering a culture of creativity and individuality.

5. Fostering Connection and Collaboration:

"The Creativity of Life" philosophy recognizes that creativity thrives in a collaborative and interconnected environment. It encourages us to seek meaningful connections with others, valuing diverse perspectives and fostering collaboration. By sharing ideas, supporting each other's creative endeavors, and engaging in collective creativity, we can co-create a richer and more vibrant world.:

"The Creativity of Life" philosophy invites us to embrace our innate creative potential, view the world through a lens of curiosity and wonder, and actively participate in shaping our experiences and the world around us. By cultivating our creativity, embracing change, expressing ourselves authentically, and fostering connections, we can live lives that are vibrant, meaningful, and transformative. Let this philosophy serve as a reminder to embrace the creative energy that flows through all aspects of life and to channel it into a force for personal growth, connection, and positive change.

Taking notes from those who came before me, I aspire to have my actions and activities, works and products to encourage and inspire others. While I seek personal progress and development thru incremental measurable successes avoiding the compulsions for grand levels of social recognition and titles, I further seek to be positions to empower others. It is our creativity that defines us. It is our creativity that has defined and continues to define reality. It is our ability to reshape what we see, taste, hear, and feel to bring or construct an understanding of the world before us. We can define setting laws, order and governance to who we are and our individual to collective worlds out of the chaos that has been and is continually presented to us.

Out of everything I’ve experienced within this life, I see my life as a canvas and tapestry. It is a grand studio managed by an open-air office. It is a kingdom fit for one yet others but full with treasures that only reside in dark corners. I exist to create but had to learn much to have gotten to this point. Now as I continue to evolve ascending to higher heights and continue to create, I work with others to do the same.

If you have a creative project or are at a stage of creative development needing coaching, consulting, support and/or reinforcement, contact us…today.



Not too long ago but a bit after my birthday, a few fellas and I were standing around talking about the significance of life and perspectives to take to add value to who we are and what we do…especially for others. In the midst of this conversation, it was asked what our birthdays were. When I answered, one of the fellas put all other discussions on pause to point out that all of my birthday numbers were prime numbers. Expanding and focusing, it was meant that ALL the numbers of my birthdate are prime numbers; July 11, 1979 being 07.11.1979. More over in how it’s said and spoken; 07, 11, 19, 79.

While I did my best to shrug it off and to keep myself as humble as possible, I couldn’t help to think on the specialities of my life and experiences. I couldn’t help but to think on these things with some understanding of the mystery behind my continued existence and survival. The fact that I’ve endured much am still a functioning part of my communities and society. Out of that conversation, I’ve been left with thoughts of reflection, imagination and theories towards what may have been indiscernible contributing factors to my life.

Now I’m not saying that anyone has to consider these numbers as better over others or even that they have to hold some kind of significance for them…but because I’ve found this to be another odd occurrence to be related to and of me, there’s personal significance for me. As I look towards 2024 and plan to initiate a moderately in-depth look over who I am as a Man, Artist and Entrepreneur, I find that the numbers—prime numbers—07, 11, 19, 79 can serve as another good and great set of tools and representations of my life and existence. 2024—a year of reflections and self-acknowledgement—”” will be included within my artistic projects symbolizing me in my various capacities.



Regularly, I engage in a personal review of my paradigms on Art, Design and Photography. Yes, while I have goals that go beyond just Art, Design and Photography, I am still greatly concerned with how I perceive those concepts. I’m concerned with how I have and am perceiving things within life as they influence what I consider and prioritize the ingredients and elements that make profound Art and Design and Photography. Because I want to stay as consistent as possible with my often varying perspectives, it is important to know and understand how and why they apply to me being an Artist and Creator.

Encouraged and inspired by the likes of Jean-Michel Basquiat, my approach to Art has always been honest and true to those things that influenced me the most out of my childhood, that of sci-fi and/or fantasy. Pen and paper line art was always my thing but as I’ve grown and gotten older, it think of Art within the manual and handmade with a new inclusion of those electronic resources. It’s much more a convenient advent to have programs such as Procreate and Sketchbook and some others. Whether it’s handmade or done digitally, the most important is to take what remains in the imagination and bring it to realization and life.

Design—while an aspect of Art—is much about the organization of (artistic) elements to communicate. Whether it be to communicate a thought, idea or feeling, what’s important is to stay true to ones ideas of communication and the design aesthetic needed to communicate effectively.

Photography is the most—THE MOST—important and substantial to me right now. Because I spent so much of my life aspiring to engaging photography in those ways done by Gordon Parks and others that just have made an impact, Photography takes a position and role that just can’t be fully defined nor compared. Preluding the interest, passion and aspiration for filmmaking and visual storytelling, photography has gripped me with tremendous force and firmness. Within photography, I aspire—in personal projects and levels—I just want to capture the things about life that have always impacted me. It’s not just life but the ideas of “Black” life that—to me—are iconic and so representative of everything I love.

The dichotomy and duality that is me is and has been informed by a variety of elements. Yes, as it all might seem complex and contradictory there is a lightness and an equal darkness that resides within. As I love, I also lust. While I respect order, I understand chaos. Where one side or perspective desires to engage automotive design and performance, another lusts to fully engage what I love so much about women. Everything that is male and African American and classy and hood and everything else orbiting have made me this man that I am. Complex and even borderline destructive while seemingly having found a newness and revival of what has been at my spiritual core—I approach it all with as much of the uniqueness and individuality that is me, Liam Ian Black and William Burrell Philpot IV.

*As I further engage and grow into who I am as Liam Ian Black, I’m still learning and relearning. I’m still developing and redeveloping adding certain things while dropping others. At the end of it all, I only want to have explored the most—the MOST—of who I am and who I can be as to expand beyond the confines of who I have been within this physical form named William Burrell Philpot IV.

I was raised out of dysfunction that only a certain few would or could understand. Where hip-hop and women and their objectification gave clarity and identity to my manhood, I’ve been informed by what most might say is inappropriate and and corrupting of the character…but I stand confident on the facts that have cultivate this “civilized” world.

Where I was born into deceit and lies and the products of mischievous and/or negatively inspired deeds, I had to find my own truth. I had to transition to become something that I could’ve never been just as William B. Philpot IV. As Liam Ian Black, I am fathered and nurtured and taken care of by that which is greater than any man. As I’ve only been abandoned or moderately taken care of by man, that Higher Power stepped in to take care of me. The most of what I could ever ever do within this life is to create, manifest and give as I have been blessed with and to do. I am order and I am chaos—functional dysfunction. I am dysfunctional function. Because I exist, I am a contributor to the whole…and so… I ask not to be forgiven for whatever I might do…but more understood to be no different and yet different from everything that this world has come to hate and love about being a Man of Color, Ethnicity and Culture. A Man…of this modern time.

In 2024, I’ll be continuing to engage the most of what I am and who I can become before my time is over. I’ll be exploring the Dichotomy and Duality of me. I know that this world cares little for what is pure, light and true…and yet will marvel over those things shiny and new and innovative…seeing value in that which adds value based upon the measurements of society. Therefore…




The necessity of doing business is to generate revenue. The purpose is not only to create a formal presence but to also engage in developing monetary value—demand measured in monetary value. While being an Artist is essential to who I am as a Man of Color, Ethnicity and Culture, being an Entrepreneur is essential to moving beyond the confines of just being a Man. In closing out 2023, we’re looking towards 2024 to begin making the necessary changes that need to be made.


Like so many others now, we’re incorporating Ai within our overall business structure to assist in enhance services and production quality and streamline general internal business performance. While we’re still a small operation, we take pride in business platform that services private clients to enact private work. To do so, we must stay at the forefront of tech within the Arts and Artistic Industries.

While the business is still heavily dependent on me, Liam Ian Black, to further develop and establish my identity, in 2024, the (proposed) vision is to further use the canvas of my life as the canvas for which the business seeks to market and be branded by and upon. With the advent and incorporation of such platforms such as Adobe Firefly and others, we’re looking to continue providing high-end imagery, media and content services for those we serve. Resisting the temptation to get ahead of ourselves, we’re focused on maintaining our relationships within our local communities to be of impact and affect.


We’re planning on January 1, 2024, to be a week with this website out of service due to redesign, overhaul and update. We’ll be looking to streamline the site design for greater UI and navigation mixed with a total refresh of imagery to prepare for those projects that should serve or at least influence the relative aesthetic impact. Integration of Ai resources will be further invested into the overall scheme and dynamic of the site. More info to come.

ART PLANS: QUARTER 1 - 2024 - ARTS QUARTER (Manual Art Production)

As proposed, the first quarter of 2024 will be the Arts Quarter with expectations of engaging in the production of physical artistic projects and products. Canvas Paintings and Paper works. The intention will be to develop works that are consistent with Vision, Mission, Intention and Message of LIAM IAN LLC as a whole for the 2024 year. This message; “LIAM IAN - DICHOTOMY: The Dual Realities of Liam Ian and William B. Philpot IV.” Included within this is the creation of Ai Assisted Works and manual electronic/digital works using such platforms as Adobe and Procreate.


While we continue to research and plan for 2024, we’re acting and providing for those who are within…our Circle. We believe in cultivating a collective goal of interrelated activities that support each other within our respective yet associated endeavors. While some may not see opportunity, where we do we want to help others to see as well. For information, contact us HERE.


This message is for one person…and you know who you are; Listen, Entrepreneurship is much more of a profound idea than just being in business. Entrepreneurship is about the expansion of who you are to go beyond the confines of what society tries to place upon you. It’s not about the money—I mean, it is…but then it’s not. Entrepreneurship is about ones ability to create, christen and launch a vessel to embark on a journey that others just cannot. It is encouraging and empowering. It’s thought-provoking and requires critical-thinking. Entrepreneurship—being in business for yourself and your own goals—is about fully creating a space within your community and the universe for opportunity to knock on your door knowing you’re prepared to unlock and answer. 


Answering the call…however.

Pertaining my previous post about serving African Americans

The fact of the matter is that I have so much passion and mixed feelings about who I am and the people that I relate to. No, I’m not the typical African American Man. I’ve survived a lot of issues and unfortunate circumstances in my life but I wouldn’t say that I’m any different or any more special than anyone else. The fact that I’m a straight Black Man who is deeply entrenched within wanting to explore and express my creative prowess I feel makes me unique—unique and individual.

I love my people yet I don’t feel—and have never felt—that fall into some of the general categories of what it is supposed to be a Black Man. A Black Man in America. Even in surviving the kinds of dysfunction that have befallen my life, I still turned out to be…me. Wildly complex yet still simple enough to be undervalued and underestimated.

The way I see it and the way I approach it all is that my life and existence is a Blessing. After knowing and coming to an understanding about what it is and was to be African American and/or a Person of Color in America, I consider my life a Blessing. I did not end up incarcerated or on drugs or with responsibilities that I could not adequately and appropriately handle and a tremendous ambition for entrepreneurship. My existence has been Blessed with opportunities of more time and more experiences that’ve led to more knowledge and wisdom. The GREATEST—the Pinnacle—of who I am and what I’m doing is in being a Father. I am that for which so many feel is controversial and becomes an interesting topic of discussion; a American Black Father who is in the household, married and ever-still hardworking.

As Black Men in American society are often described and defined as something dysfunctional and distorted as a comparison to some mysterious concept of a norm within society, I’ve come to believe that the way I exist—the way I choose to exist—takes much more precedence than tha oft just being a Black Man. The choice. The choice to be that for which I’ve not really ever known a man to be even within my own life is profound to me. Just the choice—in constant reflection and analysis—affects me in some pretty profound ways. I find my self committed to the idea of becoming better and better whilst accepting my faults, failings and errors in life. I aspire to grow beyond the confines of who I was established and expected to be…even if some of those expectations came from me.

As an Artist, I’m concerned and will most likely always be concerned about what it is to be “Black”, “African American” and a Person of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within this modern world—this “modern” society. Out of the histories and legacies stolen from a people for and throughout slavery, I believe we are meant to become something greater. Something GREATER than great. It all resides and depends upon what programming we’re running and operating with…and this is established, constructed and further fueled by the kinds of media we consume. I want to play a part in changing that…to change the narrative.

Our internal IP projects are private and are specifically designed to Appreciate, Encourage and Inspire African Americans and People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within the developed worlds. We seek to establish and instill paradigms, principles and values that construct images, ideas and concepts of promise, privilege, potential and prosperity. As we move forward with projects (such as The NūHUMAN Project), we encourage—I encourage—a collaboration within other likeminded artists and creators to become an innovative force of influence and impact within the Black and Brown communities. Privacy, Confidentiality and Discretion are the primary caveats our actions be we are dedicated to making efforts that positively serve and impact those who need it most.



From Christianity to Mysticism.

I’m no longer defined by the constraints of structures that would define who, how, why, when and where to show my honor and respect to those POWERS I know to be True and Real—those POWERS and THAT Power that has kept me alive enduring beyond the issues of others. As an artist, I understand the concept of being a creator. I understand the special place that my life and existence does, has and is to have within this reality. As an Man of Color, Ethnicity and Culture descended from those who were colonized under the brutal subjugation of commercial interest and terror reinforced by Catholicism and Christianity, I stand to resist the idea that what was used to oppress, suppress, represss, degrade and diminish only to serve and empowers others is to be accepted—or further accepted—without due diligence and scrutiny. Additionally, I refuse, rebuke and resist the concepts that what was culturally significant and key to cultures of others conquered and seized by the Euro-Christian cultures, organizations and entities are of less importance in this modern day.

West African Wisdom: Adinkra Symbol & Meaning: ADINKRAHENE - “Chief of Adinkra Symbols” - Greatness, Charisma and Leadership

I aspire for those projects, products and productions of the artistic nature to reflect the importance of the individuality stolen, negated, diminished and destroyed by others who sought nothing else but to conquer or reign. As I further research and seek to incorporate those historical impactful aspects of those cultures that possibly make up my own composition, I’ll seek to be further encouraged by them as well. Ranging from the African and Adinkra Symbols, the Egyptian and other Subsaharan to the Native American and others, I show my respect and honor to those that came before me yet diminished and dissolved by the dominant ideologies.

I incorporate your works within mine as my true identity is only but a mystery to me but I shall use it to honor you for as much as I can. Respectfully. With Humility and a recognition of your existence before my own.

This project to better incorporate my particular perspective of Spirituality and Mysticism is to develop those products that are to encourage and inspire those People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture that are our audience.



As dedicated as I am to as much about being “Black” and African American, here are some of the primary reasons why I restrict who I serve, work and collaborate with.

As an entrepreneur, it is important to recognize the diverse needs and interests of different communities. However, it is also necessary to acknowledge the complexities and challenges that can arise when serving a specific target market, such as urban African Americans. While it is essential to approach this topic with sensitivity and respect for the experiences and perspectives of individuals, I can provide a thoughtful exploration of some potential reasons that an African American entrepreneur might choose to avoid serving urban African Americans.

Firstly, it is crucial to acknowledge that African American entrepreneurs, like any other entrepreneurs, are driven by a variety of factors when deciding which market segments to target. Factors such as market demand, profitability, and personal interests play a significant role in shaping business decisions. While it may seem counterintuitive for an African American entrepreneur to avoid serving urban African Americans, let's explore some reasons why this might occur.

1. Market saturation and competition: Urban areas with predominantly African American populations often have a high density of businesses catering specifically to their needs. Competition can be fierce, making it challenging for a new entrepreneur to establish a unique value proposition and gain a competitive advantage. In such cases, an entrepreneur might choose to explore other market segments where there is less competition and potentially greater potential for growth.

2. Overcoming negative stereotypes: Unfortunately, stereotypes and biases persist in our society, and they can influence consumer behavior. Some African American entrepreneurs might choose to avoid serving urban African Americans due to concerns that negative stereotypes could hinder their business prospects. They may worry about being associated with preconceived notions or facing unjust scrutiny, which could potentially impact their ability to attract customers and secure business opportunities.

3. Economic disparities: Urban areas with predominantly African American populations often face economic challenges, including higher poverty rates and limited disposable income. These factors can impact the purchasing power of consumers within these communities. For some entrepreneurs, focusing on market segments with higher disposable income levels might be a strategic decision to ensure the financial viability and sustainability of their businesses.

4. Diversifying customer base: Entrepreneurs, regardless of their racial or ethnic background, often seek to diversify their customer base to mitigate risks associated with market fluctuations and changes in consumer behavior. By targeting multiple market segments, entrepreneurs can create a more stable and resilient business model. This approach allows them to tap into different customer preferences, needs, and purchasing power, reducing their dependence on any single market segment.

It is important to note that these reasons are not intended to justify or promote exclusion or discrimination. They merely shed light on potential considerations that an African American entrepreneur might take into account when making business decisions. Ultimately, entrepreneurs should strive to create inclusive and equitable business practices that serve diverse communities while recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities that arise within each market segment.

I was recently asked why I keep a private and confidential client list. It’s implied that I should spread the news on who I serve and what kind of work I put out there. My reply was that being private and confidential about my clients and my work empowers and emboldens my work, resources and talents. I am not and do not want to be accessible—not to everyone or just any old Joe. Exclusivity has its merits and if wielded properly, it can work wonders…especially for a small business. I’d rather have a few clients with powerful relationships because of long term work contract instead of many clients with short term ones.

Additionally, I know my surroundings—my environments and those within them. Knowledge is power and the more others know, the more others will feel empowered to do or act in certain ways that may not certainly help my business grow.

I say if you are an Artist and an Entrepreneur, keep to yourself until you run into the right ones. Research your clients and prospects and strive for long term relationships thru long term projects. Do quality work instead of a lot of quick or short-term work and price yourself, your work, your resources and your business more on the high end of the industry standards. Friends and family are not or will not always be your greatest supporters therefore strive to get out of your social comfort zone to expand your portfolio for expanded opportunities.




Society depends on us to conform. The hierarchies of society depend on the people to believe what’s been put before them and live accordingly. Dangerous are the outliers. Risky are the ones who resist conforming with the established norms. It is only acceptable to stand out when the ones who do can still be moderately encouraged and motivated to do and act in those directions that the higher ups need others to. If the standouts cannot be manipulated then their environments should and so much so that ultimately the standouts are either muted or who they are and their actions are less impactful to change the norms…too much.

What I love the most about being the artist that I am is that I can easily tie my inner ambitions to what I want to create and develop with stronger associations to represent who I am at my core. Because I’ve spent a substantial about of my life having to examine my identity (as not having a father present and abandoned by my mother), what I often contemplate within the creative process often has much more to do with “What to do with a MASSIVE CLEAN SLATE?” than just producing something for the sake of producing.

Because of the condition and situation of African Americans, opportunity stands prominent to define, refine and redefine who and what we are as a people. If not for others, this is the charge for me.

My spirituality governs me. My spirituality informs and directs me…and it is NOT dependent on a religion to be believed. I believe in God—a God—and the association of God to the Expanse that is the Universe. I believe in the Spiritual and the existence of things that we may not ever fully understand let alone perceive. If nothing else however, I believe to my connection—our connection—to things greater than just us because we all…come from…something.

Thru my artistry and creativity, I’ve chosen to also use the condition and canvas of my Life to do greater and greater things for others and other souls.

I firmly believe that difficult times are before us. Financial. Social and Societal. Access to Resources and the comparative value of Human Life. I believe that because of technology, we stand at a place of change that will change not only the nature of our realities but who we are as people among this planet. I believe that Art and Artistry is one of the only things that helps to reinforce who and what we are as conscious creative multifaceted creatures.

I believe change is coming and one of the only ways to start preparing and create a structure that endures is thru and within the arts.