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Screenshot of Delayed gaming due to several technical issues. Refining the setup, link, connection and login functions to adapt to more adequate streaming timetables.

As a part of our passion for so much more that has to do with Artistry and (Graphic) Design, we’re fully engaged in sharing the associated passion for gaming as a way of seeing Artistry within a whole new light. Beginning and testing with Grand Theft Auto V, we were able to see how things work. While a bit late to the game, we’ll be using this platform to also discover other Gaming, Art and Digital Art enthusiasts as they go active within these digital worlds. We’ll developing a schedule of when we’ll be streaming and embarking on unique adventures. Our next session will be soon and to also include…FORTNITE!


LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - LIAM IAN-Ai™ - - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)⩀ All Rights Reserved.


“The Dichotomy of The Modern Black Man” - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)

The Motivation Book is a basic and common-sense approach to influencing and impacting the ideas and perspectives of African Americans and People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within Urban Areas (with a targeted and specific focus on the Washington, DC Metropolitan Areas).

As I am and continue to be afforded with life, I must play an impact. It is my job and priority to protect myself, my family and the potential of us into the future but I must also play a part in trying to improve things. It doesn’t matter by what or how but that I did…something.

*Creation of this Private Publication will include the use and guidance of Ai.

This book—as developed during our 2024 theme of “The Dichotomy of…”—is special in entertaining and introducing concepts and ideas that should go further to reinforce the potential and potential place of African American, Black and other People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture into the future. Our place is secured because have and continue to persevere beyond hate, discrimination, and multifaceted multileveled kinds of genocide.

The primary task of The Motivation Book is to introduce new ideas and concepts of and for People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within a prioritization of Pride, Value, Mission and Worthiness. The ideas and concepts stem from those activities done by Liam Ian Black and LIAM IAN LLC. The interest is to create beyond the confines of those things that were brought and introduced to ethnic groups by Europeans. The tools that still exist today to further encourage the enslavement, degradation and dysfunction of People of Color for the benefit of legacy governments, capitalism and selective societal empowerment.

We seek to address how People of Color operate with strategic dysfunctions in this modern that work more to diminish and destroy themselves than to truly empower and build them up. Thru the telling of stories that should reflect the issues and plights of the modern day, Brown, Dark Brown and Black People should be placed and conveyed in the forefront. Financial Intelligence, Aptitude and Wisdom. Family Structures and Key Strategic Relationships for Healthy Cultural and Communal Identities. Whether by basic imagery and representation within that imagery or key products that are associated with those groups targeted, the fact is that products must be created that further encourage and inspire…especially for African Americans.

The NūHUMAN Project & Foundation

As we are still furthering our efforts to cultivate this project, we are incorporate the ideas and concepts developed for The Motivation Book to those help govern The NūHUMAN Project. Our intention is to align products so that they make sense longterm and therefore can translate consistent messages across project boundaries. We believe in the potential to reform the identities of Black and Brown People by first instilling values and principles that run counter to what is being perpetuated today.


This year’s theme is yet again to reveal much more of who I am and polar aspects that make me the man I am. Out of a lot of unfortunate and dysfunctional circumstances, I’ve been able to sustain a measurably healthy and stable life for me and mine. While I’m sure this is not too different for others, I understand that there are opposites to who we are and what makes us. The joys and the pains. The successes and the failures. The hurt and healing. As I delve further thru Art, Design and Photography who I am, I further illustrate the different facets of who I am as an African American Man.


LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - LIAM IAN-Ai™ - - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)⩀ All Rights Reserved.

Intelligence. Ethnicity. Innovation.

Positive Images of Black Power, Potential and Privilege.

Nothing more encourages me, informs me, impacts me than the image of People of Color in America thriving thru and within Personal Identity. The resilience we display is profound. The resilience displayed…is…profound. Despite the dysfunction that has become a part of us. Despite the dangers that stand before us (…just because of the color of our skin). Despite the blatant attempts by us sometimes to destroy, diminish or disregard who we are and even our presence within society, there is is still something so special about who and what we are. I believe in us and what we can do if we’re encouraged and inspired in the ways and directions to do so.

As a matter of The NūHUMAN Project, we’re getting engaged and together to begin planning new products to represent the project and the inherent intent. Content, Media and Messaging that are to be influential and impressionable to the next generations of “Black” and African Americans, we’re getting into the planning phase. We want to bring to the forefront the most important and essential aspects, principles and values that will help turn around the direction for which African Americans are headed and the opportunities that will stand before them.


…to participate within a dedicated forum to assess the needs and needed expectations of what should be established today to address and inform the people of tomorrow. We truly want to assess what it will or at least might take to counter the current and modern influences that truly do no good for the collective interest, identity and/or spirit of “Black”, African American and People of Color within America.




JusTHOUGHTS: Juste Thoughts — Thoughts that have merit and right within them and their meanings. Thoughts that contribute to a just society and state of being. Justice and Fairness especially for and towards those who truly deserve them.

Art is just one aspect of being Creative. Words and Thoughts are truly the initial structures, ideas and concepts to bringing Art and Creativity to light and reality.

This project proposal is for the development of a custom IP Product the convey positive and reaffirming messages to “Black” Men and People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within American society.

This project is to develop a multiphase product series starting with special IP Publication Products leading to Apparel and other peripheral items.



Not too long ago but a bit after my birthday, a few fellas and I were standing around talking about the significance of life and perspectives to take to add value to who we are and what we do…especially for others. In the midst of this conversation, it was asked what our birthdays were. When I answered, one of the fellas put all other discussions on pause to point out that all of my birthday numbers were prime numbers. Expanding and focusing, it was meant that ALL the numbers of my birthdate are prime numbers; July 11, 1979 being 07.11.1979. More over in how it’s said and spoken; 07, 11, 19, 79.

While I did my best to shrug it off and to keep myself as humble as possible, I couldn’t help to think on the specialities of my life and experiences. I couldn’t help but to think on these things with some understanding of the mystery behind my continued existence and survival. The fact that I’ve endured much am still a functioning part of my communities and society. Out of that conversation, I’ve been left with thoughts of reflection, imagination and theories towards what may have been indiscernible contributing factors to my life.

Now I’m not saying that anyone has to consider these numbers as better over others or even that they have to hold some kind of significance for them…but because I’ve found this to be another odd occurrence to be related to and of me, there’s personal significance for me. As I look towards 2024 and plan to initiate a moderately in-depth look over who I am as a Man, Artist and Entrepreneur, I find that the numbers—prime numbers—07, 11, 19, 79 can serve as another good and great set of tools and representations of my life and existence. 2024—a year of reflections and self-acknowledgement—”” will be included within my artistic projects symbolizing me in my various capacities.


Answering the call…however.

Pertaining my previous post about serving African Americans

The fact of the matter is that I have so much passion and mixed feelings about who I am and the people that I relate to. No, I’m not the typical African American Man. I’ve survived a lot of issues and unfortunate circumstances in my life but I wouldn’t say that I’m any different or any more special than anyone else. The fact that I’m a straight Black Man who is deeply entrenched within wanting to explore and express my creative prowess I feel makes me unique—unique and individual.

I love my people yet I don’t feel—and have never felt—that fall into some of the general categories of what it is supposed to be a Black Man. A Black Man in America. Even in surviving the kinds of dysfunction that have befallen my life, I still turned out to be…me. Wildly complex yet still simple enough to be undervalued and underestimated.

The way I see it and the way I approach it all is that my life and existence is a Blessing. After knowing and coming to an understanding about what it is and was to be African American and/or a Person of Color in America, I consider my life a Blessing. I did not end up incarcerated or on drugs or with responsibilities that I could not adequately and appropriately handle and a tremendous ambition for entrepreneurship. My existence has been Blessed with opportunities of more time and more experiences that’ve led to more knowledge and wisdom. The GREATEST—the Pinnacle—of who I am and what I’m doing is in being a Father. I am that for which so many feel is controversial and becomes an interesting topic of discussion; a American Black Father who is in the household, married and ever-still hardworking.

As Black Men in American society are often described and defined as something dysfunctional and distorted as a comparison to some mysterious concept of a norm within society, I’ve come to believe that the way I exist—the way I choose to exist—takes much more precedence than tha oft just being a Black Man. The choice. The choice to be that for which I’ve not really ever known a man to be even within my own life is profound to me. Just the choice—in constant reflection and analysis—affects me in some pretty profound ways. I find my self committed to the idea of becoming better and better whilst accepting my faults, failings and errors in life. I aspire to grow beyond the confines of who I was established and expected to be…even if some of those expectations came from me.

As an Artist, I’m concerned and will most likely always be concerned about what it is to be “Black”, “African American” and a Person of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within this modern world—this “modern” society. Out of the histories and legacies stolen from a people for and throughout slavery, I believe we are meant to become something greater. Something GREATER than great. It all resides and depends upon what programming we’re running and operating with…and this is established, constructed and further fueled by the kinds of media we consume. I want to play a part in changing that…to change the narrative.

Our internal IP projects are private and are specifically designed to Appreciate, Encourage and Inspire African Americans and People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within the developed worlds. We seek to establish and instill paradigms, principles and values that construct images, ideas and concepts of promise, privilege, potential and prosperity. As we move forward with projects (such as The NūHUMAN Project), we encourage—I encourage—a collaboration within other likeminded artists and creators to become an innovative force of influence and impact within the Black and Brown communities. Privacy, Confidentiality and Discretion are the primary caveats our actions be we are dedicated to making efforts that positively serve and impact those who need it most.