Filtering by Category: RED BOOK


A Through-Line Project (TLP). This is a long-term project developed to be enacted in all creative and operational categories.

We use Ai Art Generators to help us fully understand and flesh-out our ideas, concepts and visions. While those ideas and concepts can be easily brought into fruition, we feel there’s greater depth, purpose and meaning within creative projects that span more than one category…especially when Ai inclusion is avoided and omitted. Our Through-Line Projects (TLP) assist in developing further custom IP and associated projects throughout the year.

For this project as a TLP, we’ll be featuring the different creative processes and phases as this project moves throughout our creative quarters and categories.


LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - LIAM IAN-Ai™ - - © 2025 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) - © 2025 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)⩀ All Rights Reserved.



The importance of LIAM IAN™ is and has been to signify change and transition. Growth and development adhering to a sophisticated pride and drive for being Black—African American and a Man of Color, Ethnicity and Culture. As 2024 was dedicated to “The Dichotomy of…” telling and revealing those dual aspects of who I am, have been and strive to become. 2025 must move beyond just my concepts and ideas to include those of others. The opportunity we see in 2025 is a return to the idea that Art is and must be related to Social Justice and Reform. The attempt to redevelop and evolve the ideas and concepts of Black and Brown People beyond what they are and have become today.

We believe in the potential and capacity of Black and Brown People to lead communities, societies and the world beyond what has been defined for us today. Products of economic, societal and commercial conditions, we find ourselves standing at a place where not only Social Justice must be addressed but Self Identity must as well.

As we work to get more and more into our local communities, we’re reviewing plans to [1] help sponsor and curate exhibits for unconventional and innovative Artworks, [2] launch (or relaunch) a Design consultancy that focuses on high-end progressive Afro and Afro-American ideologies and standards, and [3] develop a Photography service platform that adds to a portfolio for capturing subjects and individuals that should hold significant progressive value to redefining and affecting the culture itself. With Ai and Videography as platforms being worked out, these platforms are slated to compliment and assist all others.

As the goal is still in developing content, media and other IP assets to further encourage and empower People and Communities of Color, Ethnicity and Culture, 2025 must see a broadening and widening of our ability and scope to produce. While we’re in business we recognize that we can’t be in it for the revenues but to create. To create in catering to our communities. To create in order to innovate and change the narrative of what is, what was and what can be. We’re in it to create and to then bring to market then those creations with honesty and integrity to who and what we are…after we’ve the done the work to become a recognizable part of local communities.



The fact is that I’m still going to be the Man that I am—the Artist that I am. A Black Man with Ambition, Vision, Mission and Intention to Create. While I’m used to taking risks, I’m continuing on to take on more and more to create what I’ve always wanted to manifest. Whether identified as toxic or visionary, my core goals remain in creating those works that have informed my identity and place within the world; a Fortunate and Free Black Man. It is my right and my duty to create. It’s my right and my duty to create because there are so many others like me that do not have abilities and resources to do. I’ve survived a lot. I’ve seen a lot. I’ve experienced and have loved a lot that would’ve or might’ve otherwise seen my end, diminishment or even incarceration…but I’m a father now. I’m a father and a husband and a figure within my community.

Yes, I’m Blessed…but even in being blessed I’m willing to take the risks to continue that journey and exploration of me. I’m willing to confront and challenge the societal norms experience that variety dimensions an Artist and Creative has the potential to exist within. If you know…then you know.

What does this mean? It means more and more ideas. It even means Innovative and Mature Projects…and Content.


In planning new projects for 2025, we’re anticipating the many opportunities that will exists. We want to showcase the complexity of issues that continue to plague the Black and Brown communities as a way to further highlight the strengths and pros. Within Art, in general we want to develop and feature works and individuals that truly push the envelope to redefining People of Color in profound and positive ways. As we eventually get into Design, we want to do the same with a focus on how cultural identity plays a part in things from commercial communication to environmental aesthetic language. Using Photography and Videography to capture these moments, we’ll also be using those forms to help reinforce the journey.


LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - LIAM IAN-Ai™ - - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)⩀ All Rights Reserved.



The importance of LIAM IAN™ is and has been to signify change and transition. Growth and development adhering to a sophisticated pride and drive for being Black—African American and a Man of Color, Ethnicity and Culture. As 2024 was dedicated to “The Dichotomy of…” telling and revealing those dual aspects of who I am, have been and strive to become. 2025 must move beyond just my concepts and ideas to include those of others. The opportunity we see in 2025 is a return to the idea that Art is and must be related to Social Justice and Reform. The attempt to redevelop and evolve the ideas and concepts of Black and Brown People beyond what they are and have become today.

We believe in the potential and capacity of Black and Brown People to lead communities, societies and the world beyond what has been defined for us today. Products of economic, societal and commercial conditions, we find ourselves standing at a place where not only Social Justice must be addressed but Self Identity must as well.

As we work to get more and more into our local communities, we’re reviewing plans to [1] help sponsor and curate exhibits for unconventional and innovative Artworks, [2] launch (or relaunch) a Design consultancy that focuses on high-end progressive Afro and Afro-American ideologies and standards, and [3] develop a Photography service platform that adds to a portfolio for capturing subjects and individuals that should hold significant progressive value to redefining and affecting the culture itself. With Ai and Videography as platforms being worked out, these platforms are slated to compliment and assist all others.

As the goal is still in developing content, media and other IP assets to further encourage and empower People and Communities of Color, Ethnicity and Culture, 2025 must see a broadening and widening of our ability and scope to produce. While we’re in business we recognize that we can’t be in it for the revenues but to create. To create in catering to our communities. To create in order to innovate and change the narrative of what is, what was and what can be. We’re in it to create and to then bring to market then those creations with honesty and integrity to who and what we are…after we’ve the done the work to become a recognizable part of local communities.


In planning new projects for 2025, we’re anticipating the many opportunities that will exists. We want to showcase the complexity of issues that continue to plague the Black and Brown communities as a way to further highlight the strengths and pros. Within Art, in general we want to develop and feature works and individuals that truly push the envelope to redefining People of Color in profound and positive ways. As we eventually get into Design, we want to do the same with a focus on how cultural identity plays a part in things from commercial communication to environmental aesthetic language. Using Photography and Videography to capture these moments, we’ll also be using those forms to help reinforce the journey.


LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - LIAM IAN-Ai™ - - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)⩀ All Rights Reserved.


THE RED BOOK PLAYLIST is a custom selection of songs that help to encourage and inspire my creativity.

While I find myself more and more listening to instrumentals, I find that there is some peace in the lack of words. It feels almost as if there is some deprogramming going on when I listen to great songs without the words. Words have power—they have the power to influence and impact and encourage perspectives, paradigms and actions. The lack of them—to me—leaves the mind open to imagine, envision and theorize about things. It allows the mind to create independent of another narrating a construction. Where we once had words that talked about the Pride, Respect, Protection, Love and Romance of Black and Brown People, the words now are often destructive, diminishing, dismantling and distorting of self-identity and self-worth over that of others. My playlists are nurturing. My playlists fit. My playlists fit me…as one who misses the spoken word cafés and jazz clubs, I enjoy the easy moods and tones of just some good instrumentals, old school hip hop and r&b, and tunes that just allowed you to sit back and take in the moments of life.


LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - LIAM IAN-Ai™ - - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)⩀ All Rights Reserved.



JusTHOUGHTS: Juste Thoughts — Thoughts that have merit and right within them and their meanings. Thoughts that contribute to a just society and state of being. Justice and Fairness especially for and towards those who truly deserve them.

Art is just one aspect of being Creative. Words and Thoughts are truly the initial structures, ideas and concepts to bringing Art and Creativity to light and reality.

This project proposal is for the development of a custom IP Product the convey positive and reaffirming messages to “Black” Men and People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within American society.

This project is to develop a multiphase product series starting with special IP Publication Products leading to Apparel and other peripheral items.


Answering the call…however.

Pertaining my previous post about serving African Americans

The fact of the matter is that I have so much passion and mixed feelings about who I am and the people that I relate to. No, I’m not the typical African American Man. I’ve survived a lot of issues and unfortunate circumstances in my life but I wouldn’t say that I’m any different or any more special than anyone else. The fact that I’m a straight Black Man who is deeply entrenched within wanting to explore and express my creative prowess I feel makes me unique—unique and individual.

I love my people yet I don’t feel—and have never felt—that fall into some of the general categories of what it is supposed to be a Black Man. A Black Man in America. Even in surviving the kinds of dysfunction that have befallen my life, I still turned out to be…me. Wildly complex yet still simple enough to be undervalued and underestimated.

The way I see it and the way I approach it all is that my life and existence is a Blessing. After knowing and coming to an understanding about what it is and was to be African American and/or a Person of Color in America, I consider my life a Blessing. I did not end up incarcerated or on drugs or with responsibilities that I could not adequately and appropriately handle and a tremendous ambition for entrepreneurship. My existence has been Blessed with opportunities of more time and more experiences that’ve led to more knowledge and wisdom. The GREATEST—the Pinnacle—of who I am and what I’m doing is in being a Father. I am that for which so many feel is controversial and becomes an interesting topic of discussion; a American Black Father who is in the household, married and ever-still hardworking.

As Black Men in American society are often described and defined as something dysfunctional and distorted as a comparison to some mysterious concept of a norm within society, I’ve come to believe that the way I exist—the way I choose to exist—takes much more precedence than tha oft just being a Black Man. The choice. The choice to be that for which I’ve not really ever known a man to be even within my own life is profound to me. Just the choice—in constant reflection and analysis—affects me in some pretty profound ways. I find my self committed to the idea of becoming better and better whilst accepting my faults, failings and errors in life. I aspire to grow beyond the confines of who I was established and expected to be…even if some of those expectations came from me.

As an Artist, I’m concerned and will most likely always be concerned about what it is to be “Black”, “African American” and a Person of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within this modern world—this “modern” society. Out of the histories and legacies stolen from a people for and throughout slavery, I believe we are meant to become something greater. Something GREATER than great. It all resides and depends upon what programming we’re running and operating with…and this is established, constructed and further fueled by the kinds of media we consume. I want to play a part in changing that…to change the narrative.

Our internal IP projects are private and are specifically designed to Appreciate, Encourage and Inspire African Americans and People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within the developed worlds. We seek to establish and instill paradigms, principles and values that construct images, ideas and concepts of promise, privilege, potential and prosperity. As we move forward with projects (such as The NūHUMAN Project), we encourage—I encourage—a collaboration within other likeminded artists and creators to become an innovative force of influence and impact within the Black and Brown communities. Privacy, Confidentiality and Discretion are the primary caveats our actions be we are dedicated to making efforts that positively serve and impact those who need it most.



From Christianity to Mysticism.

I’m no longer defined by the constraints of structures that would define who, how, why, when and where to show my honor and respect to those POWERS I know to be True and Real—those POWERS and THAT Power that has kept me alive enduring beyond the issues of others. As an artist, I understand the concept of being a creator. I understand the special place that my life and existence does, has and is to have within this reality. As an Man of Color, Ethnicity and Culture descended from those who were colonized under the brutal subjugation of commercial interest and terror reinforced by Catholicism and Christianity, I stand to resist the idea that what was used to oppress, suppress, represss, degrade and diminish only to serve and empowers others is to be accepted—or further accepted—without due diligence and scrutiny. Additionally, I refuse, rebuke and resist the concepts that what was culturally significant and key to cultures of others conquered and seized by the Euro-Christian cultures, organizations and entities are of less importance in this modern day.

West African Wisdom: Adinkra Symbol & Meaning: ADINKRAHENE - “Chief of Adinkra Symbols” - Greatness, Charisma and Leadership

I aspire for those projects, products and productions of the artistic nature to reflect the importance of the individuality stolen, negated, diminished and destroyed by others who sought nothing else but to conquer or reign. As I further research and seek to incorporate those historical impactful aspects of those cultures that possibly make up my own composition, I’ll seek to be further encouraged by them as well. Ranging from the African and Adinkra Symbols, the Egyptian and other Subsaharan to the Native American and others, I show my respect and honor to those that came before me yet diminished and dissolved by the dominant ideologies.

I incorporate your works within mine as my true identity is only but a mystery to me but I shall use it to honor you for as much as I can. Respectfully. With Humility and a recognition of your existence before my own.

This project to better incorporate my particular perspective of Spirituality and Mysticism is to develop those products that are to encourage and inspire those People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture that are our audience.



📕 TRB.00.JRNL: 2023. - SUNDAY


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🕗: 23:53


The Music [Imported from iTunes]

The Motor Is Running — Tall Black Guy

*This song is one of the most impactful of those that I listen to. I’ve become a big fan of TALL BLACK GUY.

Black Is... (feat. DSTL, Sareem Poems & Rich Medina) [Instrumental] — Tall Black Guy & Ozay Moore

*Of course this song embodies so many messages without having to say too much. The beat, the rhythm and the words are obvious and clear yet subtle and smooth.

Unchained — FKJ

*And Unchained caught me the minute I heard it in its entirety. FKJ is a pretty artist whether he’s a Caucasian dude or not.

Black Superhero (feat. Killer Mike, BJ the Chicago Kid & Big K.R.I.T.) — Robert Glasper

*Of, this one will always impact me. It will always amaze me that some of us fail to understand what this song says…and yet, I was blown over to hear anyone put this out there…in this way…so effortlessly and so blunt.

Viberite (feat. KUMBAYA) — Tall Black Guy, Ozay Moore & Malaya

*Just how this song was compared and arranged is so smooth. I could create to this for the longest time.

Introspection (feat. Theo Croker) — Ashley Henry

*And of course as my interests have always been heavily steeped within Jazz and that cool intermingling or inclusion of Hip Hop.

What's Ur Name? (feat. IsWhatItIs) — Tall Black Guy & CHRIS X

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This list was composed one night as I was in the midst of the creative process. Music has a way of guiding and informing me on the path of creative development…and I know…I’m not the only one. I hope this list adds at least one song to someones playlist.