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From Christianity to Mysticism.

I’m no longer defined by the constraints of structures that would define who, how, why, when and where to show my honor and respect to those POWERS I know to be True and Real—those POWERS and THAT Power that has kept me alive enduring beyond the issues of others. As an artist, I understand the concept of being a creator. I understand the special place that my life and existence does, has and is to have within this reality. As an Man of Color, Ethnicity and Culture descended from those who were colonized under the brutal subjugation of commercial interest and terror reinforced by Catholicism and Christianity, I stand to resist the idea that what was used to oppress, suppress, represss, degrade and diminish only to serve and empowers others is to be accepted—or further accepted—without due diligence and scrutiny. Additionally, I refuse, rebuke and resist the concepts that what was culturally significant and key to cultures of others conquered and seized by the Euro-Christian cultures, organizations and entities are of less importance in this modern day.

West African Wisdom: Adinkra Symbol & Meaning: ADINKRAHENE - “Chief of Adinkra Symbols” - Greatness, Charisma and Leadership

I aspire for those projects, products and productions of the artistic nature to reflect the importance of the individuality stolen, negated, diminished and destroyed by others who sought nothing else but to conquer or reign. As I further research and seek to incorporate those historical impactful aspects of those cultures that possibly make up my own composition, I’ll seek to be further encouraged by them as well. Ranging from the African and Adinkra Symbols, the Egyptian and other Subsaharan to the Native American and others, I show my respect and honor to those that came before me yet diminished and dissolved by the dominant ideologies.

I incorporate your works within mine as my true identity is only but a mystery to me but I shall use it to honor you for as much as I can. Respectfully. With Humility and a recognition of your existence before my own.

This project to better incorporate my particular perspective of Spirituality and Mysticism is to develop those products that are to encourage and inspire those People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture that are our audience.




Society depends on us to conform. The hierarchies of society depend on the people to believe what’s been put before them and live accordingly. Dangerous are the outliers. Risky are the ones who resist conforming with the established norms. It is only acceptable to stand out when the ones who do can still be moderately encouraged and motivated to do and act in those directions that the higher ups need others to. If the standouts cannot be manipulated then their environments should and so much so that ultimately the standouts are either muted or who they are and their actions are less impactful to change the norms…too much.

What I love the most about being the artist that I am is that I can easily tie my inner ambitions to what I want to create and develop with stronger associations to represent who I am at my core. Because I’ve spent a substantial about of my life having to examine my identity (as not having a father present and abandoned by my mother), what I often contemplate within the creative process often has much more to do with “What to do with a MASSIVE CLEAN SLATE?” than just producing something for the sake of producing.

Because of the condition and situation of African Americans, opportunity stands prominent to define, refine and redefine who and what we are as a people. If not for others, this is the charge for me.

My spirituality governs me. My spirituality informs and directs me…and it is NOT dependent on a religion to be believed. I believe in God—a God—and the association of God to the Expanse that is the Universe. I believe in the Spiritual and the existence of things that we may not ever fully understand let alone perceive. If nothing else however, I believe to my connection—our connection—to things greater than just us because we all…come from…something.

Thru my artistry and creativity, I’ve chosen to also use the condition and canvas of my Life to do greater and greater things for others and other souls.

I firmly believe that difficult times are before us. Financial. Social and Societal. Access to Resources and the comparative value of Human Life. I believe that because of technology, we stand at a place of change that will change not only the nature of our realities but who we are as people among this planet. I believe that Art and Artistry is one of the only things that helps to reinforce who and what we are as conscious creative multifaceted creatures.

I believe change is coming and one of the only ways to start preparing and create a structure that endures is thru and within the arts.


What kind of Artist am I?

When I think of artists, it’s often off of a rigid mindset that an artist is and/or can only be one or two things or can only fall into one or two categories. I think this is one of the dysfunctional concepts of what it is to be human; as if we cannot grow past one point, stage, shape or function within reality. I believe this is what informs our level of comfort as seeing someone becoming unfamiliar and changing as a discomfort. A person being recognized for a long period of time leaves us comfortable with them whereas when someone is constantly changing and evolving and capable of being an outlier or standout because have not or do not conform to society leaves us impacted. What’s key to recognize is when one is moving from stage, phase or shape of being, it’s a kind of growth.


I started this life as William Burrell Philpot IV. Named after a man and a family not my own and often disregarded, Abandoned and left alone more than I should’ve as a child, I had to rely often on me. I began and grew within dysfunction. As I grew older, I came to understand that I needed to change and adapt to the often new, changing, different and difficult scenarios of life—my life. Beginning with a talent for art, art would often be sidelined or unconsciously sidetracked to maintain my survival or a sense of survival while becoming a man.

As I finally became stable, I began to focus more and more on my abilities as an artist. I then became…an Artist. As an office worker, I learned my capabilities as a desktop publisher and graphic designer. Aware of the need to compartmentalize the normalized life of being a Father and a husband, I began to step into Photography—a world I had only previously glimpsed while working in news and events publication. It then became my (then) newest artistry. Liam Ian (Black) was manifested and brought to the forefront.

I was—and still am—informed…by what was around me; a pride for what was current, hood, urban and Black. Hip-hop. Clothing, Fashion and Style. Women. The DC Go-Go scene. The New York thug persona. The dogmatic and stigmatizing identity of the urban Black Man. Black Women as goddesses and then play things. Sex. Poetry. A hope for the future due to Sci-fi and an associated interest technology. The urgency—the then urgent need—of African American Intelligence and Sophistication as the new African American Identity. Now?

I create because of the resources given to me. I create because of the advantages I’ve worked hard for. I create for the Blessings set upon me that have remained my possessions that I feel they should’ve dissolved away some time ago due to laziness, hesitation, procrastination and avoidance throughout the years. Then again, perhaps it was more due to distraction and dysfunction that just prevented me from being able to make artistry a substantial part of my life.

Now, I’m into the resurgence—The Resurgence—of intellectualism within being African American but now…beyond that. Whether as a Man, Artist or Entrepreneur, I act because of an acknowledgment that I soon will not exist in this form anymore. It is thru our artistry, our acts of creativity, compassion and analyses of Life that we become more. I create whatever my heart, mind and soul moves to because it is what resides deeply within. Whether cartoon art, inspirational designs, nude photography it is—at the end—the cumulative body of work that then becomes the masterpiece.

I am an Artist of late 90’s to early 2000’s Hip Hop, Rap, Soul and R&B culture. I’m an Artist of maleness and manhood…loving the female body in the most respectful and dysfunctional forms available to me. I am an Artist of Integrity, Honesty and a Loyal adherence to a Pride of Intelligence, Ethnicity and Innovation. I’m vulgar and angry and peaceful and modest. I’m organic—shifting and changing. I’m an Artistry loves the word Fuck and responds to the need of empathy to those who show it. I’m a complex Man of Color, Ethnicity and Culture born out of the many cultural dysfunctions that would either demonize, diminish, encapsulate, incarcerate, or truly destroy those who look like me therefore I am also a complex Artist and Work of Art.