Filtering by Category: LIAM IAN - BUSINESS


As dedicated as I am to as much about being “Black” and African American, here are some of the primary reasons why I restrict who I serve, work and collaborate with.

As an entrepreneur, it is important to recognize the diverse needs and interests of different communities. However, it is also necessary to acknowledge the complexities and challenges that can arise when serving a specific target market, such as urban African Americans. While it is essential to approach this topic with sensitivity and respect for the experiences and perspectives of individuals, I can provide a thoughtful exploration of some potential reasons that an African American entrepreneur might choose to avoid serving urban African Americans.

Firstly, it is crucial to acknowledge that African American entrepreneurs, like any other entrepreneurs, are driven by a variety of factors when deciding which market segments to target. Factors such as market demand, profitability, and personal interests play a significant role in shaping business decisions. While it may seem counterintuitive for an African American entrepreneur to avoid serving urban African Americans, let's explore some reasons why this might occur.

1. Market saturation and competition: Urban areas with predominantly African American populations often have a high density of businesses catering specifically to their needs. Competition can be fierce, making it challenging for a new entrepreneur to establish a unique value proposition and gain a competitive advantage. In such cases, an entrepreneur might choose to explore other market segments where there is less competition and potentially greater potential for growth.

2. Overcoming negative stereotypes: Unfortunately, stereotypes and biases persist in our society, and they can influence consumer behavior. Some African American entrepreneurs might choose to avoid serving urban African Americans due to concerns that negative stereotypes could hinder their business prospects. They may worry about being associated with preconceived notions or facing unjust scrutiny, which could potentially impact their ability to attract customers and secure business opportunities.

3. Economic disparities: Urban areas with predominantly African American populations often face economic challenges, including higher poverty rates and limited disposable income. These factors can impact the purchasing power of consumers within these communities. For some entrepreneurs, focusing on market segments with higher disposable income levels might be a strategic decision to ensure the financial viability and sustainability of their businesses.

4. Diversifying customer base: Entrepreneurs, regardless of their racial or ethnic background, often seek to diversify their customer base to mitigate risks associated with market fluctuations and changes in consumer behavior. By targeting multiple market segments, entrepreneurs can create a more stable and resilient business model. This approach allows them to tap into different customer preferences, needs, and purchasing power, reducing their dependence on any single market segment.

It is important to note that these reasons are not intended to justify or promote exclusion or discrimination. They merely shed light on potential considerations that an African American entrepreneur might take into account when making business decisions. Ultimately, entrepreneurs should strive to create inclusive and equitable business practices that serve diverse communities while recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities that arise within each market segment.

I was recently asked why I keep a private and confidential client list. It’s implied that I should spread the news on who I serve and what kind of work I put out there. My reply was that being private and confidential about my clients and my work empowers and emboldens my work, resources and talents. I am not and do not want to be accessible—not to everyone or just any old Joe. Exclusivity has its merits and if wielded properly, it can work wonders…especially for a small business. I’d rather have a few clients with powerful relationships because of long term work contract instead of many clients with short term ones.

Additionally, I know my surroundings—my environments and those within them. Knowledge is power and the more others know, the more others will feel empowered to do or act in certain ways that may not certainly help my business grow.

I say if you are an Artist and an Entrepreneur, keep to yourself until you run into the right ones. Research your clients and prospects and strive for long term relationships thru long term projects. Do quality work instead of a lot of quick or short-term work and price yourself, your work, your resources and your business more on the high end of the industry standards. Friends and family are not or will not always be your greatest supporters therefore strive to get out of your social comfort zone to expand your portfolio for expanded opportunities.




If you haven’t started initiating your plans for the holiday season, you may already be trailing behind so many others. It’s not just the large corporations or organizations that plan on a head start—it’s the small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Here are our tips for Artists, Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses to position competitively for the holiday season.

1. Start early: Begin planning and preparing for the holiday season well in advance to ensure you have enough time to create and promote your products or services. This includes designing new artwork, ordering supplies, and scheduling marketing campaigns.

2. Understand your target audience: Identify your target market and understand their preferences and needs during the holiday season. Consider the demographics, interests, and buying behaviors of your potential customers to tailor your products or services accordingly.

3. Offer holiday-themed products or services: Create holiday-themed artwork, decorations, or designs that are relevant to the specific holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's. This can attract customers looking for unique and festive items.

4. Bundle products or services: Create special holiday-themed bundles or packages by combining complementary products or services. This can encourage customers to purchase more and increase your average order value.

5. Provide personalized options: Offer customization or personalization options for your artwork or designs. This can make your products more appealing as unique and thoughtful gifts during the holiday season.

6. Leverage social media and online platforms: Utilize social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to showcase your holiday-themed artwork or designs. Engage with your audience, run targeted ads, and collaborate with influencers to expand your reach.

7. Collaborate with local businesses: Partner with other local businesses that align with your brand to cross-promote each other's products or services. This can help you reach a wider audience and create a sense of community during the holiday season.

8. Offer promotions and discounts: Create special offers, discounts, or limited-time promotions for your holiday-themed products or services. Consider running flash sales, offering free shipping, or providing exclusive discounts to encourage purchases.

9. Attend holiday markets or craft fairs: Participate in local holiday markets, craft fairs, or art exhibitions to showcase and sell your artwork in person. These events can provide valuable face-to-face interactions with potential customers and help you build brand awareness.

10. Focus on customer service: Provide exceptional customer service during the holiday season. Respond promptly to inquiries, offer gift-wrapping options, and ensure timely delivery of orders. Positive customer experiences can lead to repeat purchases and word-of-mouth referrals.

11. Plan for shipping and fulfillment: If you sell physical products, ensure you have a reliable shipping and fulfillment strategy in place to handle increased order volumes during the holiday season. Communicate shipping deadlines clearly to customers to manage expectations.

12. Analyze and adapt: Continuously monitor and analyze your sales, marketing efforts, and customer feedback during the holiday season. Use this data to make informed decisions and optimize your strategy for future holiday seasons.

Remember, planning competitively for the holiday season requires creativity, flexibility, and a deep understanding of your target audience. By implementing these tips, you can position your visual arts business for success during Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's.


from THE DAY 2 DAY



Just a few hours after seeing that wonderfully delightful GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: Vol 3 at the iPIC Movie Theater of Pike and Rose (North Bethesda, MD), we’re richly encouraged and inspired to continue our endeavors to create products and services to help others to do the same. The movie was an AWESOME joyride and couldn’t have had it any other way.

Let the movies, media and content you consume inspire you—YOU—to create and produce. We are and we do! No matter the audience, try to create that which informs, encourages and inspires.


from THE DAY 2 DAY


MAY! Editing the month to better fit!

May is the 2 month of the 2nd Quarter of 2023. With that said, I’ll be working to develop more design work that further includes Ai Art (MidJourney) and other secondary, supplemental or complimentary elements in piece completion.

Going into June, the plan will then be to better incorporate General Artistic Design practices with Ai Art and Photography…as July is the beginning of the 3rd Quarter of 2023 which is when Photography work is to commence. So in the meantime, let’s CREATE and SEE some truly unique works of mixed and combined elements.

from THE DAY 2 DAY


…about what you’re prepared to do—they only want to know what you have to offer. You must be prepared for the people to be consumers…because that’s what they are…because that’s what they do. The truth behind that—though—is…that you are prepared. THAT’S where we come in!

The greatest difficulty to me is in being an Artist versus being an Entrepreneur. In being an artist, you can’t worry being ready to provide a product because it’s just not that easy…whereas…in being an Entrepreneur, having something to offer will always be the goal and mission.

In 2022, we’re consulting with others to seek, discover and develop NEW opportunities into the Future. NFT’s and Meta-verse aren’t off the table…if fact…quite the opposite!

from THE DAY 2 DAY

MONDAY - December 27, 2021

Focusing on the BUSINESS aspects of things…

…we’re engulfed in developing our plans, agendas and schedules for 2022! While we’re looking to creating innovative content and media, we’re striving to move into Videography to produce content that can serve and educate. There’s more information to come!


As we’re approaching the end of 2021—the beginning of 2022—the BEST business opportunities right now are in supporting local communities. Whether that be in-person or virtually, the best business opportunity to develop your business is in supporting, educating and uplifting others. As we’re planning and strategizing who and how we will engage, we’re keeping in mind that it has to be about more than just us. Yes, our business in about the creative space but that is really no different than so many other platforms. Ultimately, we’re striving to explore and better understand how we can grow and move forward as the world is further catapulted into the era of normalized technological sophistication.

We ‘re entertaining new projects for 2022.If you’re interested in collaborations, investments or other official forms of support for your projects, contact us here or email us at


While I’m sure it’s quite the trend to hop on, I wouldn’t put too much into the hype being built around it. Not taking anything away from what others are doing or saying, it’s my opinion that one SHOULD engage this as an opportunity but reserve any expectation of things really developing and/or popping off because of it.

We’re in the process of reviewing the wealth of content and media to reform and format for NFT development. Let’s see what happens! Stay tuned. A good question to ask though, about all of this…is…if so many are doing it—creating NFT’s—then what will the unique and individual value as time goes on…especially if the well to-do have already affected and influenced things?

As a point, we’re redeveloping our platform to focus on what we love most instead of what is being implied by the commercial status quo that has become a part of creative cultural communities. Art. Art and long-lasting idea of it.

from THE DAY 2 DAY

WEDNESDAY - December 15, 2021

Focusing on the BUSINESS aspects of things…

…we’re engulfed in developing our plans, agendas and schedules for 2022! While we’re looking to creating innovative content and media, we’re striving to move into Videography to produce content that can serve and educate. There’s more information to come!


As we’re approaching the end of 2021—the beginning of 2022—the BEST business opportunities right now are in supporting local communities. Whether that be in-person or virtually, the best business opportunity to develop your business is in supporting, educating and uplifting others. As we’re planning and strategizing who and how we will engage, we’re keeping in mind that it has to be about more than just us. Yes, our business in about the creative space but that is really no different than so many other platforms. Ultimately, we’re striving to explore and better understand how we can grow and move forward as the world is further catapulted into the era of normalized technological sophistication.

We ‘re entertaining new projects for 2022.If you’re interested in collaborations, investments or other official forms of support for your projects, contact us here or email us at


While I’m sure it’s quite the trend to hop on, I wouldn’t put too much into the hype being built around it. Not taking anything away from what others are doing or saying, it’s my opinion that one SHOULD engage this as a opportunity but reserve any expectation of things really developing and/or popping off because of it.

We’re in the process of reviewing the wealth of content and media to reform and format for NFT development. Let’s see what happens! Stay tuned.