Filtering by Category: THE DAY 2 DAY



Success comes in small bits. We’ve been commissioned to develop a set of images for a small artists group within the local DC area to be applied to a developing apparel line.

*Please leave your thoughts and comments on this set of designs While this is a preliminary set, there are others following that have not be disclosed or published per our established NDA and Confidentiality Agreements.

from THE DAY 2 DAY



Just a few hours after seeing that wonderfully delightful GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: Vol 3 at the iPIC Movie Theater of Pike and Rose (North Bethesda, MD), we’re richly encouraged and inspired to continue our endeavors to create products and services to help others to do the same. The movie was an AWESOME joyride and couldn’t have had it any other way.

Let the movies, media and content you consume inspire you—YOU—to create and produce. We are and we do! No matter the audience, try to create that which informs, encourages and inspires.


from THE DAY 2 DAY


MAY! Editing the month to better fit!

May is the 2 month of the 2nd Quarter of 2023. With that said, I’ll be working to develop more design work that further includes Ai Art (MidJourney) and other secondary, supplemental or complimentary elements in piece completion.

Going into June, the plan will then be to better incorporate General Artistic Design practices with Ai Art and Photography…as July is the beginning of the 3rd Quarter of 2023 which is when Photography work is to commence. So in the meantime, let’s CREATE and SEE some truly unique works of mixed and combined elements.

from THE DAY 2 DAY


…about what you’re prepared to do—they only want to know what you have to offer. You must be prepared for the people to be consumers…because that’s what they are…because that’s what they do. The truth behind that—though—is…that you are prepared. THAT’S where we come in!

The greatest difficulty to me is in being an Artist versus being an Entrepreneur. In being an artist, you can’t worry being ready to provide a product because it’s just not that easy…whereas…in being an Entrepreneur, having something to offer will always be the goal and mission.

In 2022, we’re consulting with others to seek, discover and develop NEW opportunities into the Future. NFT’s and Meta-verse aren’t off the table…if fact…quite the opposite!

from THE DAY 2 DAY

MONDAY - December 27, 2021

Focusing on the BUSINESS aspects of things…

…we’re engulfed in developing our plans, agendas and schedules for 2022! While we’re looking to creating innovative content and media, we’re striving to move into Videography to produce content that can serve and educate. There’s more information to come!


As we’re approaching the end of 2021—the beginning of 2022—the BEST business opportunities right now are in supporting local communities. Whether that be in-person or virtually, the best business opportunity to develop your business is in supporting, educating and uplifting others. As we’re planning and strategizing who and how we will engage, we’re keeping in mind that it has to be about more than just us. Yes, our business in about the creative space but that is really no different than so many other platforms. Ultimately, we’re striving to explore and better understand how we can grow and move forward as the world is further catapulted into the era of normalized technological sophistication.

We ‘re entertaining new projects for 2022.If you’re interested in collaborations, investments or other official forms of support for your projects, contact us here or email us at


While I’m sure it’s quite the trend to hop on, I wouldn’t put too much into the hype being built around it. Not taking anything away from what others are doing or saying, it’s my opinion that one SHOULD engage this as an opportunity but reserve any expectation of things really developing and/or popping off because of it.

We’re in the process of reviewing the wealth of content and media to reform and format for NFT development. Let’s see what happens! Stay tuned. A good question to ask though, about all of this…is…if so many are doing it—creating NFT’s—then what will the unique and individual value as time goes on…especially if the well to-do have already affected and influenced things?

As a point, we’re redeveloping our platform to focus on what we love most instead of what is being implied by the commercial status quo that has become a part of creative cultural communities. Art. Art and long-lasting idea of it.

from THE DAY 2 DAY

WEDNESDAY - December 15, 2021

Focusing on the BUSINESS aspects of things…

…we’re engulfed in developing our plans, agendas and schedules for 2022! While we’re looking to creating innovative content and media, we’re striving to move into Videography to produce content that can serve and educate. There’s more information to come!


As we’re approaching the end of 2021—the beginning of 2022—the BEST business opportunities right now are in supporting local communities. Whether that be in-person or virtually, the best business opportunity to develop your business is in supporting, educating and uplifting others. As we’re planning and strategizing who and how we will engage, we’re keeping in mind that it has to be about more than just us. Yes, our business in about the creative space but that is really no different than so many other platforms. Ultimately, we’re striving to explore and better understand how we can grow and move forward as the world is further catapulted into the era of normalized technological sophistication.

We ‘re entertaining new projects for 2022.If you’re interested in collaborations, investments or other official forms of support for your projects, contact us here or email us at


While I’m sure it’s quite the trend to hop on, I wouldn’t put too much into the hype being built around it. Not taking anything away from what others are doing or saying, it’s my opinion that one SHOULD engage this as a opportunity but reserve any expectation of things really developing and/or popping off because of it.

We’re in the process of reviewing the wealth of content and media to reform and format for NFT development. Let’s see what happens! Stay tuned.

from THE DAY 2 DAY

TUESDAY - December 14, 2021

The most significant question a creative must ask their self is “Am I in a unique space?” One must ask this question because we’re living in an era where just about anyone can create and chisel out a corner—a market—for themselves. This question must be asked because what it means to be a creative and an entrepreneur meets a very difficult space. What it means to try to navigate this holds much more meaning today than in any other time in history.

We ‘re entertaining new projects for 2022.If you’re interested in collaborations, investments or other official forms of support for your projects, contact us here or email us at


While I’m sure it’s quite the trend to hop on, I wouldn’t put too much into the hype being built around it. Not taking anything away from what others are doing or saying, it’s my opinion that one SHOULD engage this as a opportunity but reserve any expectation of things really developing and/or popping off because of it.

We’re in the process of reviewing the wealth of content and media to reform and format for NFT development. Let’s see what happens! Stay tuned.

from THE DAY 2 DAY

MONDAY - December 13, 2021

This weekend’s shoot with Makayla was absolutely AMAZING! It was fun to get back into creating for the sake of Art aside from the commercial. She brought a SAVAGE attitude and demeanor setting the stage for greater poses and artistic looks. We’re definitely looking forward to working with her in 2022…and beyond.

We ‘re entertaining new projects for 2022.If you’re interested in collaborations, investments or other official forms of supporter for your projects, contact us here or email us at

from THE DAY 2 DAY

FRIDAY - December 10, 2021

Trying to operate a business and stay a creative will always be a difficult endeavor…but in the end—whether you succeed or fail—it’s worth it.

I’ve been a creator all my life with various high points and some significant low points…but I’ve never left or abandoned what I’ve loved so much. While we’re working to develop different projects, it must stay within my focus and intention to push forward in pushing all that I have to offer this world. It’s worth to use every gift, talent and resource at my disposal to serve others in the hopes of helping others do the same.

With that said, I believe it is our responsibility—like that of any capable and competent person—to explore any and every opportunity to develop as many platforms of revenue generation as possible.

We ‘re entertaining new projects for 2022.If you’re interested in collaborations, investments or other official forms of supporter for your projects, contact us here or email us at