Filtering by Tag: Ai Technologies


The fact is that using Ai Art Generators allow for greater levels of production and output for work requests, commissions and associated projects. The ethical debates and arguments are that there is a lack of authenticity, security concerns and activities of copyright infringement when using these platforms but I argue that they are tools that cannot and therefore should not be avoided.

I—as an Artist, Entrepreneur, Employee, Father and Husband—believe that Ai has both many benefits and ample dangers to be extensively reviewed, analyzed and understood in their entirety. Integration of Ai is something that should be done at every level especially when the large and impactful social and economic structures begin to incorporate them. When large companies and institutions—as they have classically—integrate systems of technology to increase production, save on expenses, refine for efficiency and impact to drive greater revenues thru a carefully curated perception of value and social impact, these systems have not so readily served to successfully or


While in the business of Art, Design and Photography, we’re in the business of being in business. Our identities, brands, IP and revenues must be dependent on our custom and individual works aside from Ai Generated kinds. We must not lose our identities for the sake of making money. We must not sell our very capacities to create because we want to see revenues. It’s akin to selling our souls to survive.

We see the use of Ai as a tool. Not an end-all or be all but a tool to assist in the creative process. How this can vary and be applied to different situations and circumstances is of course circumstantial but we’re committed to not losing ourselves to a tool that has the capacity to so much. We set the limits and we strive to stay as transparent as possible. With that said, we’re using Ai to assist in product and project development processes.

We’re also including Ai within select operational and performance activities as to streamline efficiency and effectiveness as to also improve and enhance general revenue generation thru successful customer and client interactions. The Art of Business does now—and must—include Ai integration. This integration takes thoughtfulness, care, and planning. Direction, definitions, rules and measurement. Industry assess and analysis. Information monitoring and buffering. Legal understandings and constant ethical review.

While resisting as much as possible, we understand the place of this new, profound and ever-evolving tool that is already surrounding us to so many degrees and in so many ways. Yes, we’re in business to create and to perform more than well for our clients, customers and associated audiences but we’re also in the business of being true and authentic to who we are as humans endowed with profound levels of creativity. Our competitive edge has always been in our unique individualities and so this is what we strive to bring along as we continue to innovate into the future.

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