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Tirelessly a part of the community that has truly made America, we’ve come to understand and appreciate the role of Black Women across the board.

Enduring the situations and circumstance that were and were byproducts of slavery, this shirt goes directly to the heart of the matter by addressing those that matter most. Black Mothers have given their fair share and beyond only to still see stress, struggle and strife within their communities and homes. Sometimes even the stress, struggle and strive may exist within leading to depressions, dysfunctions and other forms that do more harm than good.

Thru this JusTHOUGHTS™ product, we not just thinking, we’re saying our truth and how we truly feel; BLACK MOTHERS MATTER!


LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - LIAM IAN-Ai™ - - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)⩀ All Rights Reserved




The purpose of our Arts Quarter is to spend time researching, cultivating and developing new custom Artworks for branding and retail sale. The intent is to further develop products that are in harmony with our creative beliefs. As we maintain our dedication to classic yet innovative styles that represent and resonate with Communities and People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture, we’re looking to further develop pieces and products that test and enhance our creative capabilities. Prioritizing Environmental Aesthetics and Interior Decor, we’re developing Wall Art pieces that help to appreciate, encourage and inspire the communities we strive to serve and are already a part of.

“Paths” - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)

Adhering to the 2024 theme of “The Dichotomy of…”, our custom works will shed light on Founder and CEO, William Burrell Philpot IV and his cultivated artistic persona; Artist, Designer and Photographer, Liam Ian Black. Showcasing thru work development is the difference between who this one man was versus who he has become. From the extensive varieties of life experiences that have shaped and informed his perspectives and identity, 2024 custom IP projects are to help manifest a number of pieces that reveal his truth as an Black and African American Man within this modern world. Forever ambitiously seeking the next level, quality, value, substance, communication, (as the Entrepreneur and CEO) William Philpot reviews to make a greater leap and transition into that of Liam Ian (as Artist, Designer and Photographer).

With end-game goals of storytelling and filmmaking in mind, 2024 promises to close out the loose ties of an old life to fully realize the next. Focusing more on The Passion of Creating as an African American Man, the artwork, products, projects and services being brought to market this year will assist in reaffirming and strengthening Communities and People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture as an effort to assist those needed answers and perspectives for the future.

Moving forward after 2024, we expect to be moving away from the format of Art and Artwork Development within our business model as to better incorporate other aspects of our business and who we are.


January: Sketch Pad / Canvas Sketch / Paint / Large Canvas / Digital Sketch / Digital Paint

February: Digital Sketch / Digital Paint /Mulitimedia Canvas

March: Multimedia Canvas, Canvas Paint, Canvas Design, Sketch Design


“Created Better Than Well” - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)

Growing up heavily influenced by art styles hip hop and comics, I’m still informed and influenced by such. As we’re living in a time of more, we have too many options. Thru technology but less time, we feel less connected even though there are more connections. There are more artists, creators and influencers with less influence, less creative originality, and less artistic authenticity or the space to be seen and proven as authentic. We have more choices yet less clarity in what truly fits and represents who are as customers, clients, consumers and communities. Our own individualities now often get lost when using products made by others to identify and convey who we are...or think we are.

This Arts Quarter, we’re focusing our efforts to combine different and varying artistic disciplines to address the identities of the modern Person of Color, Ethnicity and Culture. Employing a symbolism to the current and modern social and socio-economic situations of the diverse Communities of Color, we’re developing—and working with other artists to develop—works that transcend the paradigms, perspectives, ideas and concepts of the day. Most prominently is the use of Inspired Abstract Art with Cartoon or Illustration. The effort is to manifest the luxury appeal and application of Abstract Art to levels that are more Urban and base-level as Cartoon and Illustration. This artistic direction adheres to our 2024 theme “The Dichotomy of…”

Our imagery is still to Encourage and Inspire People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture.


While applying some much desired focus on Art, Design and Photography projects, we’re still operating in a multifaceted capacity to serve our Business Service Clients (BSC’s). We’re engaged in supplying Development Services for Entrepreneurial, Small Business and Creative Commercial Projects. Strategic Coaching & Consulting for BSC’s is still being designed to better communicate our principles, values and perspectives as Art and the Art Industries continue to evolve and change especially with the incorporation of technologies and other associated multi-market influences.


With the successful integration of Artificial Intelligence into our operations as to refine the mundane and often redundant tasks required, we’re devising new goals that invite new avenues and opportunities for revenue generation. While on a very human level, we’re applying our attention on the continued development of Artworks and associated products and services, we’ll be using our newest resources to push forward the agendas of doing good business.


LIAM IAN DESIGN (Shopify). LIAM IAN LLC on ETSY. LIAM IAN on AMAZON. With a number of retail locations, we’re revising what we’re bringing to market. Strategizing with brands, manufacturers, vendors and affiliate structures, we’re bringing to the forefront what matters most to us; Art, Design, Photography…and much more.

Research Recommendations:

We’ve engaged in an extensive process to research and develop works that cater to the interests of those who appreciate Art at its greatest potential…especially in representing Black and African American People and other People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within the modern day. We’ve not limited our search to those entities and platforms that are specifically Art oriented but also those that use Art as a way of a refined life. / / / / / / /

THE FEED - LIAM IAN™ - LIAM IAN LLC™ - - © 2024 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) All Rights Reserved.

Mastering the Art of Entrepreneurship: In-Demand Skills for Success

Keys for Artists and Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship within the arts is a thrilling and rewarding endeavor. It allows individuals to transform their creative passions into thriving businesses. While artistic talent and vision are crucial, being a successful entrepreneur in the arts requires a unique set of skills beyond creativity alone. In this article, we explore the most in-demand skills that can empower aspiring artists and creative professionals to navigate the competitive landscape and achieve entrepreneurial success.

1. Business Acumen:

To flourish as an artistic entrepreneur, a solid foundation in business principles is indispensable. Understanding key concepts such as budgeting, financial management, marketing, and strategic planning is essential for creating sustainable and profitable ventures. Familiarize yourself with business fundamentals, seek mentorship, and consider taking courses or workshops to enhance your business acumen.

2. Networking and Relationship Building:

In the arts industry, building strong networks and nurturing relationships is vital. Actively engage in networking events, industry conferences, and art exhibitions to connect with fellow artists, potential clients, gallery owners, curators, and influencers. Cultivating meaningful relationships can lead to collaborations, partnerships, mentorships, and invaluable opportunities for exposure and growth.

3. Marketing and Branding:

Having a unique and compelling brand identity is crucial for standing out in a crowded market. Develop a strong personal brand that reflects your artistic style, values, and vision. Utilize various marketing strategies such as social media, website development, content creation, and email campaigns to reach and engage your target audience. Stay updated with the latest marketing trends and techniques to effectively promote your work and attract clients.

4. Adaptability and Resilience:

Entrepreneurship in the arts is a dynamic and ever-evolving field. The ability to adapt to changing trends, technologies, and consumer demands is essential. Embrace a growth mindset, be open to new ideas, and continuously seek opportunities to learn and evolve. Cultivate resilience to overcome challenges and setbacks commonly encountered in the entrepreneurial journey. Successful artists learn from failures, bounce back, and persevere in pursuit of their goals.

5. Effective Communication:

Clear and effective communication is crucial for artists-turned-entrepreneurs. Whether pitching your ideas to potential investors, negotiating contracts, collaborating with a team, or interacting with clients, the ability to articulate your vision, needs, and expectations is paramount. Develop strong verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills to build trust, convey your message, and foster successful collaborations.

6. Project Management:

As an artistic entrepreneur, you will often find yourself managing multiple projects simultaneously. Developing strong project management skills is essential to ensure deadlines are met, resources are allocated efficiently, and quality standards are maintained. Embrace organizational tools, establish effective workflows, and cultivate the ability to prioritize tasks and delegate responsibilities when necessary.

7. Continuous Learning and Creativity:

The arts industry thrives on innovation and creativity. Stay curious and commit to lifelong learning. Explore new artistic techniques, experiment with different mediums, and remain up-to-date with advancements in your field. Cultivate a creative mindset, be open to inspiration from diverse sources, and nurture your artistic abilities to continually evolve as an artist and entrepreneur.

In the end…

…becoming a successful artist entrepreneur requires a mix of artistic talent, business know-how, and an entrepreneurial mindset.
By acquiring skills like business knowledge, networking, marketing, adaptability, resilience, effective communication, project management, and continuous learning and creativity, aspiring artistic entrepreneurs can position themselves for success in the competitive arts industry.

While the journey may be tough, the rewards of turning your creative passion into a thriving business are priceless.
To reach a wider audience, build a solid foundation in business, nurture valuable relationships, and sharpen your marketing and branding skills. Adaptability, resilience, and effective communication will help you navigate the ever-changing arts industry. Project management skills ensure efficient and excellent execution of your creative projects. Continuously learn and stay creative to remain relevant, innovative, and inspired in your artistic pursuits. Take advantage of online courses, industry events, podcasts, and books to enhance your skills and knowledge.

In conclusion, success in the arts as an entrepreneur demands a combination of artistic talent, business acumen, and an entrepreneurial spirit. Continuously develop and refine these skills to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and create a fulfilling and prosperous artistic career. Embrace the journey, embrace the arts, and unlock your full potential as a successful artistic entrepreneur.



© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)



As the NūHUMAN Project has become of great interest in a number of fashions and categories, we’re revealing one of the associated projects to help reinforce the concept and idea of what it is or could possibly mean to be a NūHUMAN.

The idea and concept of course is that People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture have a much more substantial and important worth to the global society than that defined and depicted by and out of colonialism.

“MOMENTS ON ANOTHER WORLD” - The concept here is to imagine a world where the predominant people of this technologically advanced society resemble African and African American Peoples. Images of Sci-fi like this are encouraging and inspiring of the imagination for People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture.

Initiating work and ideas—ideas and work—that caters to the imagined redevelopment and incarnation of a world substantial for and by People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture, I began this artistic journey by conceptualizing what it might look like to peer into a different place, a different space and landscape of what is possible. Like that of tuning into a channel, distorted and unfocused yet coming into clarity, I envision the masses of life and souls within a developed world cluttered and clustered together. The landscape is urban…but not as one might think.

The use of MidJourney has become a welcome addition to the creative process! Thoroughly enjoying the diversity in opportunities to develop imagery for storytelling. Image and concept development is a compelling activity…to say the least.

See more of our Ai Works HERE!


© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)



As the NūHUMAN Project has become of great interest in a number of fashions and categories, we’re revealing one of the associated projects to help reinforce the concept and idea of what it is or could possibly mean to be a NūHUMAN.

The idea and concept of course is that People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture have a much more substantial and important worth to the global society than that defined and depicted by and out of colonialism.

“INTELLIGENT HAPPENINGS” - Respect for Women of Color and the relationships between Men and Women are not issues to be debated nor are they places of frustration and stagnation. Here, there were no capitalistic motives to initiate divisions of peoples and classes to cultivate a working society.

Initiating work and ideas—ideas and work—that caters to the imagined redevelopment and incarnation of a world substantial for and by People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture, I began this artistic journey by conceptualizing what it might look like to peer into a different place, a different space and landscape of what is possible. Like that of tuning into a channel, distorted and unfocused yet coming into clarity, I envision the masses of life and souls within a developed world cluttered and clustered together. The landscape is urban…but not as one might think.


© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)



As the NūHUMAN Project has become of great interest in a number of fashions and categories, we’re revealing one of the associated projects to help reinforce the concept and idea of what it is or could possibly mean to be a NūHUMAN.

The idea and concept of course is that People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture have a much more substantial and important worth to the global society than that defined and depicted by and out of colonialism.

“SHIFTING PARADIGMS” - Imagine a world that is beyond what has been established. Imagine a world where things are not as they’ve been made to be here. This world is unfamiliar yet specific. Changed and changing, what you see possibility.

Initiating work and ideas—ideas and work—that caters to the imagined redevelopment and incarnation of a world substantial for and by People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture, I began this artistic journey by conceptualizing what it might look like to peer into a different place, a different space and landscape of what is possible. Like that of tuning into a channel, distorted and unfocused yet coming into clarity, I envision the masses of life and souls within a developed world cluttered and clustered together. The landscape is urban…but not as one might think.

Creation of The NūHUMAN Inspiration Art Book.


© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)