As the NūHUMAN Project has become of great interest in a number of fashions and categories, we’re revealing one of the associated projects to help reinforce the concept and idea of what it is or could possibly mean to be a NūHUMAN.
The idea and concept of course is that People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture have a much more substantial and important worth to the global society than that defined and depicted by and out of colonialism.
“MOMENTS ON ANOTHER WORLD” - The concept here is to imagine a world where the predominant people of this technologically advanced society resemble African and African American Peoples. Images of Sci-fi like this are encouraging and inspiring of the imagination for People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture.
Initiating work and ideas—ideas and work—that caters to the imagined redevelopment and incarnation of a world substantial for and by People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture, I began this artistic journey by conceptualizing what it might look like to peer into a different place, a different space and landscape of what is possible. Like that of tuning into a channel, distorted and unfocused yet coming into clarity, I envision the masses of life and souls within a developed world cluttered and clustered together. The landscape is urban…but not as one might think.
The use of MidJourney has become a welcome addition to the creative process! Thoroughly enjoying the diversity in opportunities to develop imagery for storytelling. Image and concept development is a compelling activity…to say the least.
As the NūHUMAN Project has become of great interest in a number of fashions and categories, we’re revealing one of the associated projects to help reinforce the concept and idea of what it is or could possibly mean to be a NūHUMAN.
The idea and concept of course is that People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture have a much more substantial and important worth to the global society than that defined and depicted by and out of colonialism.
“INTELLIGENT HAPPENINGS” - Respect for Women of Color and the relationships between Men and Women are not issues to be debated nor are they places of frustration and stagnation. Here, there were no capitalistic motives to initiate divisions of peoples and classes to cultivate a working society.
Initiating work and ideas—ideas and work—that caters to the imagined redevelopment and incarnation of a world substantial for and by People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture, I began this artistic journey by conceptualizing what it might look like to peer into a different place, a different space and landscape of what is possible. Like that of tuning into a channel, distorted and unfocused yet coming into clarity, I envision the masses of life and souls within a developed world cluttered and clustered together. The landscape is urban…but not as one might think.
As the NūHUMAN Project has become of great interest in a number of fashions and categories, we’re revealing one of the associated projects to help reinforce the concept and idea of what it is or could possibly mean to be a NūHUMAN.
The idea and concept of course is that People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture have a much more substantial and important worth to the global society than that defined and depicted by and out of colonialism.
“SHIFTING PARADIGMS” - Imagine a world that is beyond what has been established. Imagine a world where things are not as they’ve been made to be here. This world is unfamiliar yet specific. Changed and changing, what you see possibility.
Initiating work and ideas—ideas and work—that caters to the imagined redevelopment and incarnation of a world substantial for and by People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture, I began this artistic journey by conceptualizing what it might look like to peer into a different place, a different space and landscape of what is possible. Like that of tuning into a channel, distorted and unfocused yet coming into clarity, I envision the masses of life and souls within a developed world cluttered and clustered together. The landscape is urban…but not as one might think.