Answering the call…however.

Pertaining my previous post about serving African Americans

The fact of the matter is that I have so much passion and mixed feelings about who I am and the people that I relate to. No, I’m not the typical African American Man. I’ve survived a lot of issues and unfortunate circumstances in my life but I wouldn’t say that I’m any different or any more special than anyone else. The fact that I’m a straight Black Man who is deeply entrenched within wanting to explore and express my creative prowess I feel makes me unique—unique and individual.

I love my people yet I don’t feel—and have never felt—that fall into some of the general categories of what it is supposed to be a Black Man. A Black Man in America. Even in surviving the kinds of dysfunction that have befallen my life, I still turned out to be…me. Wildly complex yet still simple enough to be undervalued and underestimated.

The way I see it and the way I approach it all is that my life and existence is a Blessing. After knowing and coming to an understanding about what it is and was to be African American and/or a Person of Color in America, I consider my life a Blessing. I did not end up incarcerated or on drugs or with responsibilities that I could not adequately and appropriately handle and a tremendous ambition for entrepreneurship. My existence has been Blessed with opportunities of more time and more experiences that’ve led to more knowledge and wisdom. The GREATEST—the Pinnacle—of who I am and what I’m doing is in being a Father. I am that for which so many feel is controversial and becomes an interesting topic of discussion; a American Black Father who is in the household, married and ever-still hardworking.

As Black Men in American society are often described and defined as something dysfunctional and distorted as a comparison to some mysterious concept of a norm within society, I’ve come to believe that the way I exist—the way I choose to exist—takes much more precedence than tha oft just being a Black Man. The choice. The choice to be that for which I’ve not really ever known a man to be even within my own life is profound to me. Just the choice—in constant reflection and analysis—affects me in some pretty profound ways. I find my self committed to the idea of becoming better and better whilst accepting my faults, failings and errors in life. I aspire to grow beyond the confines of who I was established and expected to be…even if some of those expectations came from me.

As an Artist, I’m concerned and will most likely always be concerned about what it is to be “Black”, “African American” and a Person of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within this modern world—this “modern” society. Out of the histories and legacies stolen from a people for and throughout slavery, I believe we are meant to become something greater. Something GREATER than great. It all resides and depends upon what programming we’re running and operating with…and this is established, constructed and further fueled by the kinds of media we consume. I want to play a part in changing that…to change the narrative.

Our internal IP projects are private and are specifically designed to Appreciate, Encourage and Inspire African Americans and People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture within the developed worlds. We seek to establish and instill paradigms, principles and values that construct images, ideas and concepts of promise, privilege, potential and prosperity. As we move forward with projects (such as The NūHUMAN Project), we encourage—I encourage—a collaboration within other likeminded artists and creators to become an innovative force of influence and impact within the Black and Brown communities. Privacy, Confidentiality and Discretion are the primary caveats our actions be we are dedicated to making efforts that positively serve and impact those who need it most.



From Christianity to Mysticism.

I’m no longer defined by the constraints of structures that would define who, how, why, when and where to show my honor and respect to those POWERS I know to be True and Real—those POWERS and THAT Power that has kept me alive enduring beyond the issues of others. As an artist, I understand the concept of being a creator. I understand the special place that my life and existence does, has and is to have within this reality. As an Man of Color, Ethnicity and Culture descended from those who were colonized under the brutal subjugation of commercial interest and terror reinforced by Catholicism and Christianity, I stand to resist the idea that what was used to oppress, suppress, represss, degrade and diminish only to serve and empowers others is to be accepted—or further accepted—without due diligence and scrutiny. Additionally, I refuse, rebuke and resist the concepts that what was culturally significant and key to cultures of others conquered and seized by the Euro-Christian cultures, organizations and entities are of less importance in this modern day.

West African Wisdom: Adinkra Symbol & Meaning: ADINKRAHENE - “Chief of Adinkra Symbols” - Greatness, Charisma and Leadership

I aspire for those projects, products and productions of the artistic nature to reflect the importance of the individuality stolen, negated, diminished and destroyed by others who sought nothing else but to conquer or reign. As I further research and seek to incorporate those historical impactful aspects of those cultures that possibly make up my own composition, I’ll seek to be further encouraged by them as well. Ranging from the African and Adinkra Symbols, the Egyptian and other Subsaharan to the Native American and others, I show my respect and honor to those that came before me yet diminished and dissolved by the dominant ideologies.

I incorporate your works within mine as my true identity is only but a mystery to me but I shall use it to honor you for as much as I can. Respectfully. With Humility and a recognition of your existence before my own.

This project to better incorporate my particular perspective of Spirituality and Mysticism is to develop those products that are to encourage and inspire those People of Color, Ethnicity and Culture that are our audience.



As dedicated as I am to as much about being “Black” and African American, here are some of the primary reasons why I restrict who I serve, work and collaborate with.

As an entrepreneur, it is important to recognize the diverse needs and interests of different communities. However, it is also necessary to acknowledge the complexities and challenges that can arise when serving a specific target market, such as urban African Americans. While it is essential to approach this topic with sensitivity and respect for the experiences and perspectives of individuals, I can provide a thoughtful exploration of some potential reasons that an African American entrepreneur might choose to avoid serving urban African Americans.

Firstly, it is crucial to acknowledge that African American entrepreneurs, like any other entrepreneurs, are driven by a variety of factors when deciding which market segments to target. Factors such as market demand, profitability, and personal interests play a significant role in shaping business decisions. While it may seem counterintuitive for an African American entrepreneur to avoid serving urban African Americans, let's explore some reasons why this might occur.

1. Market saturation and competition: Urban areas with predominantly African American populations often have a high density of businesses catering specifically to their needs. Competition can be fierce, making it challenging for a new entrepreneur to establish a unique value proposition and gain a competitive advantage. In such cases, an entrepreneur might choose to explore other market segments where there is less competition and potentially greater potential for growth.

2. Overcoming negative stereotypes: Unfortunately, stereotypes and biases persist in our society, and they can influence consumer behavior. Some African American entrepreneurs might choose to avoid serving urban African Americans due to concerns that negative stereotypes could hinder their business prospects. They may worry about being associated with preconceived notions or facing unjust scrutiny, which could potentially impact their ability to attract customers and secure business opportunities.

3. Economic disparities: Urban areas with predominantly African American populations often face economic challenges, including higher poverty rates and limited disposable income. These factors can impact the purchasing power of consumers within these communities. For some entrepreneurs, focusing on market segments with higher disposable income levels might be a strategic decision to ensure the financial viability and sustainability of their businesses.

4. Diversifying customer base: Entrepreneurs, regardless of their racial or ethnic background, often seek to diversify their customer base to mitigate risks associated with market fluctuations and changes in consumer behavior. By targeting multiple market segments, entrepreneurs can create a more stable and resilient business model. This approach allows them to tap into different customer preferences, needs, and purchasing power, reducing their dependence on any single market segment.

It is important to note that these reasons are not intended to justify or promote exclusion or discrimination. They merely shed light on potential considerations that an African American entrepreneur might take into account when making business decisions. Ultimately, entrepreneurs should strive to create inclusive and equitable business practices that serve diverse communities while recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities that arise within each market segment.

I was recently asked why I keep a private and confidential client list. It’s implied that I should spread the news on who I serve and what kind of work I put out there. My reply was that being private and confidential about my clients and my work empowers and emboldens my work, resources and talents. I am not and do not want to be accessible—not to everyone or just any old Joe. Exclusivity has its merits and if wielded properly, it can work wonders…especially for a small business. I’d rather have a few clients with powerful relationships because of long term work contract instead of many clients with short term ones.

Additionally, I know my surroundings—my environments and those within them. Knowledge is power and the more others know, the more others will feel empowered to do or act in certain ways that may not certainly help my business grow.

I say if you are an Artist and an Entrepreneur, keep to yourself until you run into the right ones. Research your clients and prospects and strive for long term relationships thru long term projects. Do quality work instead of a lot of quick or short-term work and price yourself, your work, your resources and your business more on the high end of the industry standards. Friends and family are not or will not always be your greatest supporters therefore strive to get out of your social comfort zone to expand your portfolio for expanded opportunities.




Society depends on us to conform. The hierarchies of society depend on the people to believe what’s been put before them and live accordingly. Dangerous are the outliers. Risky are the ones who resist conforming with the established norms. It is only acceptable to stand out when the ones who do can still be moderately encouraged and motivated to do and act in those directions that the higher ups need others to. If the standouts cannot be manipulated then their environments should and so much so that ultimately the standouts are either muted or who they are and their actions are less impactful to change the norms…too much.

What I love the most about being the artist that I am is that I can easily tie my inner ambitions to what I want to create and develop with stronger associations to represent who I am at my core. Because I’ve spent a substantial about of my life having to examine my identity (as not having a father present and abandoned by my mother), what I often contemplate within the creative process often has much more to do with “What to do with a MASSIVE CLEAN SLATE?” than just producing something for the sake of producing.

Because of the condition and situation of African Americans, opportunity stands prominent to define, refine and redefine who and what we are as a people. If not for others, this is the charge for me.

My spirituality governs me. My spirituality informs and directs me…and it is NOT dependent on a religion to be believed. I believe in God—a God—and the association of God to the Expanse that is the Universe. I believe in the Spiritual and the existence of things that we may not ever fully understand let alone perceive. If nothing else however, I believe to my connection—our connection—to things greater than just us because we all…come from…something.

Thru my artistry and creativity, I’ve chosen to also use the condition and canvas of my Life to do greater and greater things for others and other souls.

I firmly believe that difficult times are before us. Financial. Social and Societal. Access to Resources and the comparative value of Human Life. I believe that because of technology, we stand at a place of change that will change not only the nature of our realities but who we are as people among this planet. I believe that Art and Artistry is one of the only things that helps to reinforce who and what we are as conscious creative multifaceted creatures.

I believe change is coming and one of the only ways to start preparing and create a structure that endures is thru and within the arts.



Always encouraging and inspiring. The POWER of the Black Woman is always easily recognizable. Residing within a profound identity of what others have aspired to become, the Black Woman—especially that of the African-American Woman who became something great out of the many levels of cultural dysfunction and systematic racism (that could only be specific and that of America)—nor her power never resigns from that place of prominence…and that is as it should be. Contrary—yet not in competition—with that POWER of the Black Man, she exists as to balance Life itself.

Just one man’s perspective and position on the Black Woman—the Woman of Color, Ethnicity and Culture. She exists beyond the “colonial” terms and definitions of beauty or even womanhood.

Despite the dysfunction I’ve survived and have come out of, I stand in awe of the strength, resilience, and grace embodies by Black Women. They are—YOU are—the pillars of our communities., the nurturers of our dreams, and the architects of change. Their power—YOUR POWER—is boundless, their voices are mighty, and their presence is transformative. To all the Black Women who continue to rise, your are the essence of excellence, and the world is better because of you.

—Liam Ian Black



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The Music [Imported from iTunes]

The Motor Is Running — Tall Black Guy

*This song is one of the most impactful of those that I listen to. I’ve become a big fan of TALL BLACK GUY.

Black Is... (feat. DSTL, Sareem Poems & Rich Medina) [Instrumental] — Tall Black Guy & Ozay Moore

*Of course this song embodies so many messages without having to say too much. The beat, the rhythm and the words are obvious and clear yet subtle and smooth.

Unchained — FKJ

*And Unchained caught me the minute I heard it in its entirety. FKJ is a pretty artist whether he’s a Caucasian dude or not.

Black Superhero (feat. Killer Mike, BJ the Chicago Kid & Big K.R.I.T.) — Robert Glasper

*Of, this one will always impact me. It will always amaze me that some of us fail to understand what this song says…and yet, I was blown over to hear anyone put this out there…in this way…so effortlessly and so blunt.

Viberite (feat. KUMBAYA) — Tall Black Guy, Ozay Moore & Malaya

*Just how this song was compared and arranged is so smooth. I could create to this for the longest time.

Introspection (feat. Theo Croker) — Ashley Henry

*And of course as my interests have always been heavily steeped within Jazz and that cool intermingling or inclusion of Hip Hop.

What's Ur Name? (feat. IsWhatItIs) — Tall Black Guy & CHRIS X

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This list was composed one night as I was in the midst of the creative process. Music has a way of guiding and informing me on the path of creative development…and I know…I’m not the only one. I hope this list adds at least one song to someones playlist.




Yes, many of them are just variations but really good images nonetheless.




The point to and of the FATHER Collection is to have product that is Encouraging and Inspiring to Father’s of Color, Ethnicity and Culture. Especially in this time of dire need, Father’s deserve to be appreciated and celebrated for the roles they play in developing the next generation.

With so much working against the idea and concept of developing healthy people within the world, those men who play the role of Fathers without hesitation, procrastination, regret or remorse deserve to be appreciated at every level and in every degree.


Confronted within so much nowadays, many Fathers just want to be good Fathers. Nothing more and nothing less.

The above images represent the list of possible selection to appear as a part of the FATHER collection and series.


What kind of Artist am I?

When I think of artists, it’s often off of a rigid mindset that an artist is and/or can only be one or two things or can only fall into one or two categories. I think this is one of the dysfunctional concepts of what it is to be human; as if we cannot grow past one point, stage, shape or function within reality. I believe this is what informs our level of comfort as seeing someone becoming unfamiliar and changing as a discomfort. A person being recognized for a long period of time leaves us comfortable with them whereas when someone is constantly changing and evolving and capable of being an outlier or standout because have not or do not conform to society leaves us impacted. What’s key to recognize is when one is moving from stage, phase or shape of being, it’s a kind of growth.


I started this life as William Burrell Philpot IV. Named after a man and a family not my own and often disregarded, Abandoned and left alone more than I should’ve as a child, I had to rely often on me. I began and grew within dysfunction. As I grew older, I came to understand that I needed to change and adapt to the often new, changing, different and difficult scenarios of life—my life. Beginning with a talent for art, art would often be sidelined or unconsciously sidetracked to maintain my survival or a sense of survival while becoming a man.

As I finally became stable, I began to focus more and more on my abilities as an artist. I then became…an Artist. As an office worker, I learned my capabilities as a desktop publisher and graphic designer. Aware of the need to compartmentalize the normalized life of being a Father and a husband, I began to step into Photography—a world I had only previously glimpsed while working in news and events publication. It then became my (then) newest artistry. Liam Ian (Black) was manifested and brought to the forefront.

I was—and still am—informed…by what was around me; a pride for what was current, hood, urban and Black. Hip-hop. Clothing, Fashion and Style. Women. The DC Go-Go scene. The New York thug persona. The dogmatic and stigmatizing identity of the urban Black Man. Black Women as goddesses and then play things. Sex. Poetry. A hope for the future due to Sci-fi and an associated interest technology. The urgency—the then urgent need—of African American Intelligence and Sophistication as the new African American Identity. Now?

I create because of the resources given to me. I create because of the advantages I’ve worked hard for. I create for the Blessings set upon me that have remained my possessions that I feel they should’ve dissolved away some time ago due to laziness, hesitation, procrastination and avoidance throughout the years. Then again, perhaps it was more due to distraction and dysfunction that just prevented me from being able to make artistry a substantial part of my life.

Now, I’m into the resurgence—The Resurgence—of intellectualism within being African American but now…beyond that. Whether as a Man, Artist or Entrepreneur, I act because of an acknowledgment that I soon will not exist in this form anymore. It is thru our artistry, our acts of creativity, compassion and analyses of Life that we become more. I create whatever my heart, mind and soul moves to because it is what resides deeply within. Whether cartoon art, inspirational designs, nude photography it is—at the end—the cumulative body of work that then becomes the masterpiece.

I am an Artist of late 90’s to early 2000’s Hip Hop, Rap, Soul and R&B culture. I’m an Artist of maleness and manhood…loving the female body in the most respectful and dysfunctional forms available to me. I am an Artist of Integrity, Honesty and a Loyal adherence to a Pride of Intelligence, Ethnicity and Innovation. I’m vulgar and angry and peaceful and modest. I’m organic—shifting and changing. I’m an Artistry loves the word Fuck and responds to the need of empathy to those who show it. I’m a complex Man of Color, Ethnicity and Culture born out of the many cultural dysfunctions that would either demonize, diminish, encapsulate, incarcerate, or truly destroy those who look like me therefore I am also a complex Artist and Work of Art.


Cinnamon Sticks


Daughter. Sister. Cousin. Aunt. Niece. Mother. She is it and there is no denying it. She is smooth and refined. She has the genetic codes of royalty within her skin and it can never be taken away. They can try. They will try. The fact is, her supreme nature will always reign. She’ll stand before the pale blandness of them and not have to say a word.

She is…God’s Word. She is…God’s Gift. She is…Everything.

This is just a post to share what encourages and inspires me to create. Let it be known that I—as a Father and Husband—put my faith and understanding upon and within the potential and power that is the Black Woman. She is more than Black. She is the origin of it all. She…is where the universe began.

JusThoughts of LIAM IAN.

[Disclaimer Notice] - Model: Ebonee Davis

The Brown that is the Black Woman can never be denied nor defined. She is superior to just about anything and everything that ever has been and could ever be.



INTROSPECTION (feat. Theo Croker) by Ashley Henry

Sometimes the creative process requires a bit of environmental conditioning to encourage and inspire.

A part of several of my personal playlists to listen to while creating, Ashley Henry is and has been one the greatest go-to’s to set the tone. Always underscoring the creative, A. Henry never fails to produce that which is thought provoking and inspirational. “Introspection” of “Beautiful Vinyl Hunter” album has served as a song heavy on repeat. Take a listen while in your creative process and see what happens.

Check him and his work out on his page,

Also check out a Visual Artist I discovered by typing in Ashley Henry’s web address wrong; 😅




If you haven’t started initiating your plans for the holiday season, you may already be trailing behind so many others. It’s not just the large corporations or organizations that plan on a head start—it’s the small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Here are our tips for Artists, Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses to position competitively for the holiday season.

1. Start early: Begin planning and preparing for the holiday season well in advance to ensure you have enough time to create and promote your products or services. This includes designing new artwork, ordering supplies, and scheduling marketing campaigns.

2. Understand your target audience: Identify your target market and understand their preferences and needs during the holiday season. Consider the demographics, interests, and buying behaviors of your potential customers to tailor your products or services accordingly.

3. Offer holiday-themed products or services: Create holiday-themed artwork, decorations, or designs that are relevant to the specific holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's. This can attract customers looking for unique and festive items.

4. Bundle products or services: Create special holiday-themed bundles or packages by combining complementary products or services. This can encourage customers to purchase more and increase your average order value.

5. Provide personalized options: Offer customization or personalization options for your artwork or designs. This can make your products more appealing as unique and thoughtful gifts during the holiday season.

6. Leverage social media and online platforms: Utilize social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to showcase your holiday-themed artwork or designs. Engage with your audience, run targeted ads, and collaborate with influencers to expand your reach.

7. Collaborate with local businesses: Partner with other local businesses that align with your brand to cross-promote each other's products or services. This can help you reach a wider audience and create a sense of community during the holiday season.

8. Offer promotions and discounts: Create special offers, discounts, or limited-time promotions for your holiday-themed products or services. Consider running flash sales, offering free shipping, or providing exclusive discounts to encourage purchases.

9. Attend holiday markets or craft fairs: Participate in local holiday markets, craft fairs, or art exhibitions to showcase and sell your artwork in person. These events can provide valuable face-to-face interactions with potential customers and help you build brand awareness.

10. Focus on customer service: Provide exceptional customer service during the holiday season. Respond promptly to inquiries, offer gift-wrapping options, and ensure timely delivery of orders. Positive customer experiences can lead to repeat purchases and word-of-mouth referrals.

11. Plan for shipping and fulfillment: If you sell physical products, ensure you have a reliable shipping and fulfillment strategy in place to handle increased order volumes during the holiday season. Communicate shipping deadlines clearly to customers to manage expectations.

12. Analyze and adapt: Continuously monitor and analyze your sales, marketing efforts, and customer feedback during the holiday season. Use this data to make informed decisions and optimize your strategy for future holiday seasons.

Remember, planning competitively for the holiday season requires creativity, flexibility, and a deep understanding of your target audience. By implementing these tips, you can position your visual arts business for success during Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's.



I must—I MUST—shift the paradigms as to offer information that might or that will serve and beneficial, valuable and useful to moving the business and myself—as the business—forward. What does this mean? Well this means the inclusion and use of Ai to assist in developing content. As a Spiritual African American Man who has survived much to now be a Father and Husband and Business Owner, there are many subjects that I can comment on and inform people of. It all has to come from my core of being a Creative Soul (first) and then everything after. My Art and my Opinions on what is today and how it all relates. Then being a Black Man—a Man of Color, Ethnicity and Culture. Then an Entrepreneur…and Father…and Husband and everything else.

In developing NEW Creative Works, it ALL must cater to developing my brand. In developing NEW Creative Works, it must in some contribute to developing…PRODUCT. I believe I’ve allowed myself to fall back into confusion…but then…not.


I’m giving some attention to the website—specifically to the blog page “CONNECTED”. I believe it might make sense to move a bit away from social media and focus on the platform that I have in front of me.

The Passion of Creating!

I’m nothing like nor too interested in consistently making TikTok’s and IG Posts. First of all, I don’t feel like I need to hear myself talk all the time nor do I need to be engaging platforms that demand a specific something out of me just to gain traction with or within algorithms that truly are a mystery to me. It just makes sense at this point to focus on my local community and REAL people around me. Perhaps is a natural result of things based upon where we are with tech in society now but it is what it is.

I need to further steep myself within the Passion of Creating. I’m not creating when, where and how I should. Also…I’ve attached monetary appreciation and worth on my works and so there’s the other problem.

My message to anyone who might read this is that life will get confusing. Life will become hard. Your agendas and plans are subject to feel as if they’re under attack or that you just chose the wrong roads to go down…but stay encouraged. I encourage YOU to stay encouraged and focused. Stay your course…especially if you know your course is true and is from your heart. Seek help, guidance, support or just a listening ear to assist on getting back on track…but understand that falling off track is just normal.

It’s not that you fell off or that you lost your focus or even that you just needed to take a break that’s the problem. It’s just nature. It’s the natural oder of things. Stay consistent as best and possible and be persistent on accomplishing your tasks and goals…but also be patient with yourself. Be patient—have patience—with yourself within the process of your endeavors but be understanding of the nature of who you are, how you work and the environments that you exist within.




Yes, I have a thing for Art just like the next man might…but this right here is something that I’ve only entertained within my mind.



Knowing and understanding the place of Black Bodies within society, I enjoy the impression and expression this communicates. In this set—while I’m unaware of the author, models or even series—I see the female black body seemingly in want and demand. Unknown if she is grabbing herself while being embraced and then groped, there is passion here. There is desire and lust. There may be love but there also seems to be abuse and torture. The transition from the first to the second implies that there is want and desire and self-love because of it…but then too much desire—there is demand and need. Because of this demand and need, there is torture and pain.

While this was only recently found at, I’m unsure of what the true meanings are but this is my objective view and interpretation.

I would love to reproduce a piece like this removing the often times sexist opportunistic paradigms or concepts that come with being a male photographer. This is a supreme type of artistry. This is worth making an independent project out of.

What do you see? What do you think?



🖥️: As I ramp up activity on this blog page and move away from using multiple social media accounts to gain traction with audiences dependent on algorithms and systems I can’t control or account for, we’ll be offering subscriptions for this content.

CONNECTED…is a personal private blog as to further publish my activities as an Artist, Entrepreneur and many more. This feed willl allow me to share to my interest, influences and inspirations that better help and inform me to develop and produce new projects.

Subscriptions are monitored and privatized as this feed’s content is specific to either confidential, appreciation and/or educational in purpose. Content may not be proprietary to LIAM IAN LLC but is or is to fall under “Fair Use”, “Educational” and/or “Appreciative”. Sourced Images may be from available social media platforms and will be identified as such.


Things that I Like!

It’s an unfortunate truth but I do see specific women and kinds of women as works of art. Perhaps it has something to do with presentation or the environmental factors or just the aesthetic appeal but there women out here that truly are the exception.

Here we have, Ms Bo. She turns out to be honestly one of the most attractive Caucasian women out here.

The beauty standards of white women, as portrayed in images of art within society, have evolved over time and have been influenced by various cultural, historical, and social factors. It is important to note that beauty standards are subjective and can vary across different cultures and periods. However, I will attempt to provide a general overview of the topic.

Throughout history, white women have often been depicted in art as the epitome of beauty, elegance, and femininity. In Western art, for example, the idealized image of a white woman often includes features such as fair skin, delicate facial features, a slender figure, and long, flowing hair. These standards have been reinforced through various art movements, such as Renaissance and Neoclassicism, where white women were portrayed as ethereal beings or goddesses.

One significant influence on the beauty standards of white women in art has been the concept of the "ideal" or "classical" proportions. Derived from ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, these proportions emphasize harmony, balance, and symmetry. Artists often sought to depict white women with these idealized proportions, which typically included a well-defined waist, proportionate facial features, and a graceful posture.

In addition to physical attributes, the portrayal of white women in art has also been influenced by cultural and societal values. For example, in many historical artworks, white women were depicted in roles that highlighted their virtue, purity, and domesticity. These portrayals often reinforced traditional gender roles and societal expectations placed on women.

However, it is important to acknowledge that beauty standards have evolved over time, and contemporary art has challenged and expanded the conventional ideals of beauty. There is now a greater emphasis on diversity, inclusivity, and representation in art, which has led to a more nuanced and inclusive depiction of women of all races and ethnicities.

Contemporary artists are increasingly exploring and celebrating the diverse beauty of women, challenging the narrow beauty standards that have been traditionally imposed. Through their artwork, they aim to break down societal stereotypes, promote body positivity, and celebrate the unique features and experiences of women from different racial and ethnic backgrounds.

In conclusion, the beauty standards of white women as depicted in art have been shaped by historical, cultural, and social influences. While there has been a long-standing idealization of certain physical attributes, contemporary art is moving towards a more inclusive and diverse representation of beauty, celebrating the uniqueness and individuality of women from all backgrounds.

More of Ms. Bo at .

Disclaimer: The following disclaimer is provided for the use of images in the context of education, specifically regarding beauty, art, photography, and beauty standards. It is important to understand and adhere to the guidelines outlined below:

1. Educational Purpose: The use of images in the fields of beauty, art, photography, and beauty standards is intended solely for educational purposes. The images are utilized to facilitate learning, analysis, and discussion of various topics related to aesthetics, cultural representation, historical context, and societal perceptions of beauty.

2. Fair Use: The incorporation of images is made under the principles of fair use, as outlined in copyright laws. These images are used in a transformative manner, providing commentary, criticism, or educational value, and do not infringe upon the rights of the original copyright holders.

3. Attribution: Whenever possible, proper attribution will be provided for the images used. Efforts will be made to credit the original source of the image, including the artist, photographer, or copyright holder, along with relevant information such as the title, date, and any accompanying context.

4. Non-Commercial Use: The images used in an educational context should not be employed for any commercial purposes. They should not be reproduced, distributed, or used for financial gain without obtaining the necessary permissions from the copyright holders.

5. Privacy and Consent: It is essential to respect the privacy and consent of individuals depicted in the images. Whenever using images that include identifiable individuals, appropriate consent should be obtained, and their privacy should be protected in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

6. Cultural Sensitivity: When discussing beauty standards, it is important to approach the topic with cultural sensitivity and respect. Recognize and acknowledge the diversity of beauty standards across different cultures, historical periods, and social contexts, avoiding stereotyping, discrimination, or perpetuation of harmful biases.

7. Responsible Usage: The use of images should be conducted responsibly, ensuring that their inclusion in educational materials serves a legitimate purpose and contributes to the overall educational experience. Images should be used ethically and with the intent to foster learning, critical thinking, and constructive dialogue.

8. Legal Compliance: Users are responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable copyright laws and regulations when using images for educational purposes. It is advisable to seek legal counsel or consult relevant guidelines to ensure adherence to copyright requirements.

Please note that this disclaimer is provided as a general guideline and should not be considered as legal advice. The interpretation and application of copyright laws may vary depending on the jurisdiction and specific circumstances. It is recommended to consult legal professionals or relevant authorities for specific legal advice pertaining to the use of images for educational purposes.




🖥️: This is the 41st Week of 2024. The effort within LIAM IAN LLC is to continue developing the proposed FATHER Project and associated project assets, further develop The NūHUMAN Project and solidify a base for the private organization, The Circle. These efforts are to establish the necessary foundations to see Revenue Generation in 2024.

As the Artist and Entrepreneur, the goal is to have artistic products that are true and honest to who I am as an artist instead of products that are for product sake. It cannot and must not be about the money but to offer to the world that which resides within me waiting to get out…to be shared.


With 2024 on its way, the need is to look back at 2023 and objectively identity those areas of error, failure and missed opportunity and reform accordingly. Including a review of the revenues an financials, one must plan to participate and interject associated ideas and creative concepts within and during trendsetting events, situations and occasions.

While Coaching and Consulting, the demand and recommendation is to prepare now for the coming possible changes, obstacles and difficulties that stand clear and obvious on the horizon. Ai Technology and Automation Advancement. The incorporation of Ai Technologies within those platforms available to the general public and the foreseeable difficulties that may and are sure to exist.


The future is dependent—HEAVILY dependent—on the choices you make today. The choices you make today take a kind of intelligence that considers and perceives the Future. Planning. Through all the hardship I’ve seen in my life, I’ve some to understand and appreciate where I’ve been led to consider the future. I was born into stress and had to navigate myself thru it all to survive…and so…I have. Despite being an Artist, Entrepreneurship was the next logical step—phase—for me because I grew into my independence because I was forced and there was no other way.

Appreciate going thru hardship. Appreciate it by learning within it and because of it. Know that a bright future out of hardship can only truly exist by it being a result of your intellectual growth while within it. Learn the lesson…and learn more. Issues and obstacles can be nothing more than mere opportunities to build upon oneself.

For Black Men and Men of Color, Ethnicity and Culture; know that you must understand the world—your world relies on you to either stay asleep only to dream of your dream whilst following the programs authored, dictated, directed, implemented and executed by others or become the author of your own story and resist falling asleep—following the patterns that you so obviously see but have convinced to disregard favoring the program of personal ease and comfort to what ever dysfunctional degree you’ve been led to accept as normal…for you.