As Artists, we believe the opportunities exist in the creating and cultivating of unique spaces that secure a dedicated audience and potential client base. As creatives are now competing with not just other creatives but also corporate-backed and sponsored creators, social media platforms and their often biased and ever-changing algorithms, this is now the time to look back into grassroots communities and networks is a must. Especially for Black and African American communities, we believe there should be more promise, power and potential in creating works and products that communicate, inform and reinforce localized community values, ideals, concepts, paradigms and principles. We believe that there can be no true commercial progress gained nowadays without building real networks and relationships that go beyond the surface of our mobile devices, tablets, cameras and social media platforms.
Basically, what we’re saying is that relying on our personal spaces, relationships, networks and communities is a renewed must. We believe that a paradigm shift mixed with an understanding of new or renewed values pertaining community are the new demand. What it is to have a large audience thru social media is not enough anymore. Many people have gained tremendous followings that have now led to much more noise than what was previously acceptable or normal. Now with so many available to speak and share, it’s hard to determine who to listen to, who to trust, how long to trust and listen and even then what extensions of who or what we entertain should further more gain our interest. For that of the emerging Visual Artist, the task is to get beyond the barriers of “content creators” to sustain themselves within spaces that truly appreciate static art and environmental aesthetics. There must be space to entertain art and design in ways that truly serve to market as well.
Now while strategy and execution stand at the forefront of what should be done to successfully involve oneself within community, the effort nonetheless must be to secure a trusted place and space within the local or localized communities. Sometimes sitting at a Starbucks or the a local community courtyard or attending the right social gatherings will prove more useful than trying to compete on social media.