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Sometimes, one of the keys to Success is Belief. When someone believes in you—shows you that you and your endeavors have substantial worth in this existence we know as Life—you’ll often feel something much more impactful and motivating.

© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)

The Importance of Reciprocal Belief for Artists and Entrepreneurs: Fostering Success and Fulfillment

For artists and entrepreneurs, the journey towards accomplishing goals and completing projects can be filled with challenges, self-doubt, and uncertainty. In such times, the power of reciprocal belief becomes even more crucial. In this blog post, we explore why reciprocal belief is essential for artists and entrepreneurs and how it can contribute to their success and fulfillment.

Artists and entrepreneurs often face moments of self-doubt and questioning their abilities. Reciprocal belief serves as a lifeline during these moments, offering support and reminding them of their worth and potential. When they have someone who believes in them and their vision, it strengthens their resilience and helps them push through obstacles with renewed determination.

Belief is contagious, and when reciprocal belief exists within a creative or entrepreneurial environment, it creates a powerful and uplifting atmosphere. Surrounding oneself with individuals who believe in their talents and dreams fosters an environment of support, encouragement, and collaboration. This positive energy becomes the driving force behind their creative and entrepreneurial pursuits.

Reciprocal belief instills confidence in artists and entrepreneurs, enabling them to take bold risks and step outside their comfort zones. When they have someone who believes in their capabilities, they are more likely to embrace new opportunities, explore innovative ideas, and challenge themselves creatively. This confidence is instrumental in unlocking their full potential and achieving remarkable outcomes.

Artists and entrepreneurs often encounter moments of fatigue or moments when the path to success seems arduous. Reciprocal belief provides ongoing motivation and accountability. The belief and support from others serve as a reminder of the importance of their work and the impact they can make. It helps them stay focused, committed, and accountable to their goals, even during challenging times.

For artists and entrepreneurs, reciprocal belief plays a vital role in their journey towards success and fulfillment. It serves as a beacon of encouragement, resilience, and inspiration. Surrounding oneself with individuals who believe in their abilities and reciprocating that belief creates an empowering ecosystem for growth and achievement. Embrace the power of reciprocal belief, and witness how it propels you forward on your artistic or entrepreneurial path.

- Coaching Tip -

Reflect on your network and support system as an artist or entrepreneur. Identify those individuals who genuinely believe in your talents and dreams. Nurture those relationships and actively seek out opportunities to reciprocate that belief. Together, you can create a powerful synergy that fuels your motivation, resilience, and success.

The concern and process of Confidence and Ability as an Artist is essential to transitioning into an Entrepreneur. One must practice discipline and measured focus to switch between the different states of mind that are required to successfully jump back and forth between those worlds. For our thoughts and information on Entrepreneurship for Artists . . . JOIN US . . . within THE CIRCLE.


© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)


While we’ve been in operation for some time now, attempting to help and assist other creatives in making that transition from being one form of “entity” into another—one that higher potential of recouping financial losses and operate with increased societal impact—a business—we’ve found that it takes a complete overhauling of how one must think…and many find it hard to do so. While we continue to help others to develop, we’ve discovered lessons that are and have proven effective.

Here are some top tips that have proven valuable to others in Becoming Entrepreneurs:

  1. Define Your Vision and Purpose: Start by clarifying your vision for your business and identifying your purpose. Understand why you want to become an entrepreneur and what you aim to achieve. Having a clear vision and purpose will guide your decisions and keep you motivated during challenging times.

  2. Develop a Strong Mindset: Cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset. Believe in your abilities and embrace the challenges that come with entrepreneurship. Develop resilience, perseverance, and a willingness to learn from both successes and failures. Adopt an entrepreneurial mindset that embraces creativity, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

  3. Research and Validate Your Business Idea: Thoroughly research your business idea and validate its market potential. Identify your target audience, understand their needs and preferences, and assess the competitive landscape. Conduct market research, gather feedback, and make data-driven decisions to ensure there is demand for your product or service.

  4. Create a Solid Business Plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections. A well-structured business plan will serve as a roadmap for your entrepreneurial journey and help you secure funding, attract partners, and make informed business decisions.

  5. Build a Supportive Network: Surround yourself with a network of mentors, advisors, and like-minded individuals who can support and guide you on your entrepreneurial path. Seek out networking opportunities, join entrepreneurial communities or organizations, and connect with individuals who can offer guidance, insights, and potential collaborations.

  6. Embrace Continuous Learning: Commit to ongoing learning and personal development. Stay updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and business best practices. Invest in acquiring new skills, whether through formal education, online courses, workshops, or self-study. Continuous learning will enhance your expertise and keep you ahead in a competitive business environment.

  7. Plan for Financial Management: Develop a solid financial management strategy from the start. Understand your startup costs, projected revenues, and expenses. Set up proper bookkeeping systems, monitor your cash flow, and separate personal and business finances. Seek professional advice from accountants or financial advisors to ensure your financial management is sound.

  8. Leverage Technology and Digital Platforms: Embrace technology and digital platforms to enhance your business operations, reach your target audience, and streamline processes. Utilize social media, e-commerce platforms, and digital marketing techniques to build brand awareness, engage customers, and drive sales.

  9. Seek Funding and Resources: Explore various funding options to support your business growth. Research grants, loans, crowdfunding platforms, and investment opportunities specifically geared towards supporting minority-owned businesses. Leverage local resources, small business development centers, and entrepreneurship programs that provide mentorship and support.

  10. Stay Persistent and Stay True to Your Values: Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with ups and downs. Stay persistent, committed, and true to your values and vision. Be prepared to adapt, pivot, and learn from challenges. Surround yourself with positivity, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and celebrate milestones along the way.

In closing, remember that entrepreneurship is a journey of growth, resilience, and passion. As an African American entrepreneur, you have the power to make a meaningful impact, not just in your own life but also in your community. Embrace the challenges, leverage your strengths, and seize the opportunities that come your way. Believe in yourself, stay focused on your goals, and let your determination be your driving force. With the right mindset, strategic planning, and a supportive network, you can overcome obstacles and achieve success as an entrepreneur. Embrace your unique voice, make a difference, and pave the way for future generations of African American entrepreneurs. Dream big, take action, and let your entrepreneurial spirit shine.


© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)



As to not drag it out, the fact of the matter is that there will come a time when this pandemic is over and the question to ask is “What did you do before we returned to that false sense of normality to advance and progress at your endeavors?’


A lot of opportunity has presented itself in the fields of Convenience, Online Presence and Safety. As usual though, the ones with the fortune enough to have had the resources going into and throughout the Coronavirus Pandemic will undoubtedly reap many benefits. You can, however, still take advantage of the opportunity to position yourself and your business or endeavors accordingly.


I say START PLANNING NOW! Don’t wait until things have begun resolve themselves before you decide to draft plans on how to reintroduce yourself within the new world. Do not wait for others to come to you with a plan and don’t think that you can copy what someone else might be doing most of this issues brought about by this situation are very unique and individual. You need to start planning now! You to take a look or sit down with someone to organize your thoughts and start planning now.


START GETTING SAVVY ONLINE! Whether you want to admit it, you and your business are and will be competing much more on a landscape that is heavily reliant on the web. Yes, many individuals have started that transition if not already there as a natural aspect of their age group and/or lifestyle. This pandemic though has pushed things to the forefront forcing us to consider the internet for so many other reasons and functions. Create a plan on how you will increase your footprint and impact online as it will be crucial for your survival.


THROW AWAY FEAR of failure. Anything you do from this point on—in all likelihood—will be a trail at something that someone else probably already tried. In some cases people fail and then in others, people succeed. In many more cases than not, people fail. It’s just what we do. Failure is the predecessor to success. In failure, there are many lessons to be learned. Some lessons will be harder than others to learn but you’ve got to go thru the process. It’s a must. Let go of your fear of failure. Let go the fear of rejection and lost time and lost money because all of your actions are there to build opportunities. Fear nothing. Strive for everything…even failure.

There’s a lot more to know about getting prepared for the Post-Pandemic World but know and understand that getting prepared NOW is the BEST thing you could do. No, no one knows what’s really coming but there are signs. There are signs for opportunity. No matter how much worse things get, everything is an opportunity—you just have to be open-minded and clearheaded enough to see it. You’ll see nothing if you’re struggling to play catchup with others because what YOU could’ve done might have already been done by thousands. Create your opportunity today to create opportunities tomorrow.

—Liam Ian

For Entrepreneurial and Small Business Tips in making your Post-Pandemic survival and transformation a success, join me at The Burrell Business Group. We talk the latest in Entrepreneurial News to help take you to the next level.