Many people out there work to be influential and impactful by disseminating information. Sometimes this information can be good while others not so good. It’s essential to discern when to listen, what to listen to and who to listen to.

I’ve learned that the most important and influential information anyone can pass on to you is that which can help develop and transform your life—information that informs…your life. This is usually Financial, Business, Personal Management, Health, and/or Social advice.


If you’ve ever observed someone make eye contact with you when you speak, that gives you room to speak without interruption, repeats and acknowledges your words as you say them, affirms your thoughts when you’re done, or opts to get you to think on your discussion rather than to offer you advice—this is someone to listen to.

In my opinion, the person that makes a conscious effort to LISTEN to you is someone who might be worth listening to. People who often make others feel listened to are those that truly take in your thoughts and process them. You can just tell. When a person takes time to take in your thoughts, that means to some minimum degree that your words are in process to be understood. People that seek to understand your thoughts often cultivate and return an opinion or idea that supplants or expands upon what you’ve given. This is an element of Trust.

This is when…you need to listen!

It’s also—to me—an indication that they might have something worth offering. It’s often that those who genuinely have nuggets to offer want to and will then practice effective listening to use as an opening to offer their thoughts. Most who have nuggets will do so and will keep those nuggets as “bite size” as possible. People who know their stuff will keep it short, direct and simple. Those whom are confident in what they’re offering won’t need to coddle you or spend time to substantiate what they know—they’ll say what needs to be said, attempt to discern if you’ve received the message clearly, then move on about their day.

Additionally, the person worth listening to are often positive and proactive. They act with intention or a sense of mission and operate with an air of confidence.


People will waste your time. People will waste your time on B.S. that is important or interesting to them but not very effective to what you might have going on. Gossip, celebrity news, gloating, or negative talk are ALL a waste of time. Though they are important elements of being social, they are NOT the things worth giving “mental real estate” in your mind. You want the GOOD stuff!

The GOOD stuff is often information that helps to passively but clearly inform on things that are essential to getting along everyday…or influences ideas about the future. Financial news, commentary on Relationship Building, notifications about Innovation within your field or areas of interest are all on the list of things you should listen to. When it’s coming from someone looking to advise you, it should fall the same way. They should be able to tell you—IMMEDIATELY—how positive and good this info might be to enhancing your life or make you better at what you do or just being you.

At the TOP of my personal list of things to “Listen Out For” are Financial Subjects (including Strategies for Wealth Management), Industry News (that serves to assist my performance and knowledge within the CURRENT field I work), and Relationship Topics (including research on modern social trends and norms). I’ve trained my mind to pick up on these things in my everyday as result of actively pursuing them throughout time.

Spend time filling up your mind, body and spirit with those things that would serve to move you forward in and out of your current position and/or condition. Make a list of those subjects that interest you including those that are what inform your current and desired work and careers. Make the list…then get active in listening. Learn to shun any form of information that is negative, common or of low moral standard (messages about violence or negative perspectives of others).

Avoid, also, being comfortable. Get away from those things that DO NOT challenge you to the next level—as you would define what that “next level” is. Growth is about stepping out therefore you need to consume what will further inform and educate you on what you DO NOT know.


As described in “WHEN TO LISTEN”, it is essential to know who you need listen to. Whether a friend, colleague or an advertisement for a company, you should know…clearly who you should listen to.

Track records and reputations are important. People that are often considered as thought-leaders and mentors usually have a history and record to legitimize the claim. While that’s good and the norm, it does not take away from how they relate and communicate to you…on a personal level.


Most certainly, you want to listen to those that give you adequate respect and room to listen to you and your thoughts but you also want to develop a history—a line of reference—for these people as they relate or associate with you. Even for you and companies, trust…is only earned by (positive) experiences that are and have been consistent throughout time. Yes, you might find a good reason to consider the thoughts and opinions of strangers who just might have your BEST interest in mind…but you’ll always give more value and worth to someone you’ve known and established trust with.

Trust (as a subcategory) is also developed by being able to see a persons actions match up with their words. People who do not practice what they preach often lead others to question the quality of what they know—what they say they know obviously must not be effective enough to make them do what it is they are advising. People worth listening to…are those who take their own advice.

Listening is a key function and aspect of gaining Success. In whatever journey or endeavor, it’s our capacity to listen (and to be listened to) effectively that will help propel us into and onto the next level. So much of listening is about Building Relationships and Staying Competitive. Success will not come to you working alone in most cases, it is a product of interacting with others.


Liam Ian | Burrell Business Research, LLC | BBR Photo