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In this exciting era of AI, where technology is reshaping industries at lightning speed, creativity is our secret weapon as artists. As an experienced African American professional, I see boundless opportunities for prosperity through my artistic endeavors. AI may generate impressive outputs, but it's our unique human perspective, emotions, and ability to think outside the box that make us truly exceptional. It's time to adapt, embrace technology as a powerful tool, and showcase our creativity in fresh and innovative ways!

Join me on this exhilarating journey as I share seven uplifting tips to help us maintain and nurture our creativity in the age of AI. These tips bring together the beauty of human connection, the limitless possibilities of technology, and our personal growth as artists. Let's embrace this transformative era with optimism, infuse our voices with meaning, and unleash our artistic potential to create a prosperous future for ourselves and our communities.

Here are those seven tips for maintaining creativity for prosperity in the age of AI:

1. Cultivate a Daily Creative Practice:

Make creativity a daily habit by setting aside dedicated time for artistic exploration. Engage in your chosen creative medium regularly to sharpen your skills, uncover new ideas, and stay connected to your artistic process. This consistent practice will help you adapt and stay relevant in the rapidly changing landscape of AI.

2. Embrace Technology and AI as Tools:

Instead of viewing AI as a threat, embrace it as a powerful tool to enhance your artistic practice. Explore AI-powered tools and software that can streamline your workflow, generate new ideas, or help you experiment with different styles. By leveraging technology, you can push the boundaries of your creativity and achieve greater efficiency.

© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) ⩀

3. Seek Inspiration from AI:

AI algorithms can generate vast amounts of data and insights. Use this to your advantage by mining AI-generated content, such as visual art, music, or literature. Analyze and reinterpret these outputs to find inspiration and new perspectives for your own creative work. Blend AI-generated ideas with your unique artistic vision to create something truly innovative.

4. Focus on Human Connection and Authenticity:

In a world increasingly influenced by AI, emphasize the human element in your creative work. Embrace your unique voice, emotions, and experiences to create art that resonates with others on a deeply human level. Authenticity and genuine connections will always be highly valued, even in an AI-driven society.

5. Maintain a Growth Mindset:

Adopt a growth mindset to stay adaptable and open to learning in the age of AI. Embrace continuous learning, seek out new skills, and explore emerging technologies. Stay curious, experiment with different approaches, and embrace failure as an opportunity for growth. By cultivating a growth mindset, you'll remain relevant and resilient in the face of AI-driven changes.

6. Collaborate with AI and Other Artists:

Explore collaborative opportunities with AI systems and other artists. Collaborating with AI can yield fascinating results, as it brings together human creativity and machine intelligence. Additionally, collaborating with fellow artists can spark fresh ideas, provide valuable feedback, and foster a sense of community in the age of AI.

7. Balance Technology Use with Human Connection:

While AI and technology are valuable tools, it's essential to maintain a healthy balance. Allocate time for offline experiences, nature walks, or engaging in activities that nourish your soul. Disconnecting from technology periodically can help you recharge, find inspiration, and connect with yourself and others on a deeper level.

By following these tips, you can harness the power of AI while nurturing your creativity and ensuring long-term prosperity in the age of AI.

Born with the talent for Drawing and Technical Design leading into Design work and having been engaged with Photography for over 10 years now, I see the prevalence of new technologies as tremendous opportunities to create. I believe in small communities and local ambitions as to secure oneself within those environments that deserve talent that can add to the overall potential. While I believe is scalable success, I also believe in the power of small communities to serve as strong support systems to add to ones upward and onward mobility. I believe that YOU and us all have talents that can transform the world…yet requiring us to focus on our local communities to start. I encourage you to take a chance with Ai and push the limits.

Don’t be afraid. Be willing to fail. Try something new and do what others are too scared to do and become that essential ingredient that helps to make your community something great.

Schedule a Consult TODAY!


© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) - © 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) ⩀

Crafting Artistic Excellence: A Holistic Guide to Creative Project Development

Embarking on the path of artistic excellence, we journey through the intricate labyrinth of creativity, productivity, and personal evolution. This transformative voyage, inspired by the wisdom of great minds before us, is fueled by the fusion of strategic insights from various sources. Drawing from principles akin to Stephen R. Covey's holistic approach, Robert Kiyosaki's financial wisdom, the introspective power of Shadow Work, and the serenity of Buddhist philosophy, we unveil a comprehensive guide to navigate your artistic odyssey.

Step 1: Igniting the Creative Spark

  • Begin by cultivating proactivity within your creative process. Take the initiative to explore new artistic horizons.

  • Set clear and inspiring goals that resonate with your artistic vision, serving as your North Star.

  • Embrace the transformative potential of Shadow Work, diving into the depths of your inner world to unlock hidden wellsprings of creativity.

Step 2: Sculpting Your Vision

  • Prioritize your artistic endeavors by discerning what truly aligns with your creative mission.

  • Think win-win by fostering collaborations and partnerships that elevate both your vision and the artistic community.

  • Understand the financial landscape of your artistic journey, following Robert Kiyosaki's principles to budget effectively and invest wisely.

Step 3: Crafting with Precision

  • Approach each project with discipline and patience, integrating principles from the Shaolin tradition of Buddhism.

  • Cultivate mindfulness throughout the creative process, ensuring that each brushstroke or click of the camera is imbued with intention.

  • Elevate your craft by acknowledging the importance of technique and skill development.

Step 4: Sharing Your Masterpiece

  • Once your project is complete, embark on the journey of marketing and community engagement.

  • Create a strategic marketing plan that leverages digital platforms, community events, and partnerships to gain visibility.

  • Think of marketing as an opportunity to share your artistic message and engage with your community, fostering a sense of connection and awareness.

By following this holistic guide, you can unlock your full creative potential, establish a progressive and aggressive project, execute it with precision, and share it with your community to gain the visibility and awareness your art deserves. Your artistic odyssey is a transformative journey that not only enriches your craft but also leaves an indelible mark on the artistic world around you.

© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC) ⩀


© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)


I’ve taken a liking to creating objects of substance and reverence especially as they pertain to Black and African American and other People of Color, Culture and Ethnicity. I’m enjoying being able to describe a creative item in the ways that I want and getting something very close to what I’ve prompted.

Prompted as “Stained Glass images of Black Individuals”, this image series combines my interest for the African American experience and the enhancement of the African American Identity, Idea and Concept. These images—posted at @Liam.Ian.LLC_Ai—are symbolic the possibilities of African Americans and People of Color as to be told thru story form within a specific TBD platform and medium.

As an Artist, Designer and Photographer—and an enthusiast of SciFi and Fantasy—I like the idea of coming up with a story about Black People and People of Color upon a different world. This changes the perspective and lens about who we are and could be. We’re working to further develop much more about this series of images and adding a substantial backdrop of IP for quality storytelling.


The Coaching aspect of this post is to illustrate and illuminate the possibilities of your creative with Ai Art. Sometimes it’s not about photo quality images or cartoons. With Ai Art Generators, you can add to this world that which can have Artistic, Social and even Spiritual impacts to Encourage and Inspire.

*In anything you produce with an Ai Art Generator, be sure to keep your script or prompt. Be sure to operate or execute a management system for everything you produce and the methodology you used to do it. With the ongoing debate of copyrights associated with developing Art via Ai Art Generators (or Engines), source material for image, media and content creation may become critical if not essential.

As a matter of further investigating NFT’s and NFT Creation, we’re involved in developing a dedicated series for items that are common with a consistent item theme.


© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)


Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a powerful tool in various applications, from business to research to everyday tasks. We found some easy tips to get you started within creating and generating Ai Art.

IG: @Liam.Ian.LLC_Ai

Here are some of the most helpful tips on how to best use AI for Art and maximize the quality of artistic pieces:

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  1. Understand the capabilities of AI art tools: Different AI art tools have varying capabilities and limitations. Familiarize yourself with the strengths and weaknesses of the AI art tool you're using to make the most of its features.

  2. Experiment and iterate: AI art is all about experimentation! Don't be afraid to try different styles, techniques, and settings to discover unique artistic results. Iterate and fine-tune your inputs to get the best possible outcomes.

  3. Start with high-quality input images: The quality of your input images can greatly impact the quality of your AI-generated art. Use high-resolution images with good composition and clarity as input to get better results.

  4. Mix AI with your artistic touch: AI is a powerful tool, but your artistic touch is what makes your art unique. Don't rely solely on AI; add your creative inputs, refine the output, and put your personal artistic flair into the final piece.

  5. Experiment with different models or algorithms: AI art tools often offer multiple models or algorithms to choose from. Experiment with different models or algorithms to see which one aligns best with your artistic vision and desired outcome.

  6. Understand the settings and parameters: AI art tools may have various settings and parameters that can be adjusted to customize the output. Understand these settings and parameters, and experiment with them to achieve the desired artistic effect.

  7. Post-process and refine the output: AI-generated art can often be further enhanced through post-processing techniques. Use image editing software or artistic filters to refine the output, adjust colors, contrast, and other artistic elements to make it truly unique.

  8. Learn from feedback and critique: Seek feedback and critique from other artists, art communities, or mentors to improve your AI-generated art. Learn from their perspectives, and iterate on your work to continuously improve the quality of your artistic pieces.

  9. Keep pushing the boundaries: AI art is a rapidly evolving field, so keep exploring new techniques, tools, and possibilities. Push the boundaries of what's possible with AI-generated art and keep pushing your artistic limits to create truly outstanding pieces.

  10. Give proper attribution: When using AI-generated art, make sure to give proper attribution to the AI tool or model used. Follow any attribution requirements or guidelines provided by the AI art tool or platform to ensure ethical use of AI-generated art.

Remember, AI is a powerful tool that can complement your artistic skills and help you create unique and stunning pieces of art. Experiment, iterate, and push your creative boundaries to make the most out of AI in your artistic endeavors!

In conclusion, AI is the future of technology, and with these tips, you're equipped to ride the wave of innovation. Embrace pre-trained models, user-friendly tools, cloud services, open-source libraries, and iterative learning. Mind your data, evaluate and interpret results, practice ethical and bias-free AI, stay updated, collaborate, and learn from others. With dedication and innovation, you'll level up your AI skills and make your mark in the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence. Stay focused, ethical, and innovative, and you'll be on your way to AI success! #AIinnovation #AIsuccess


© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)


Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a powerful tool in various applications, from business to research to everyday tasks. Here are some easy tips to get you started:

IG: @Liam.Ian.LLC_Ai

Start with pre-trained models: Save time and effort by using pre-trained models offered by AI frameworks or libraries. They're like AI power-ups ready to go!

  1. Use user-friendly tools: Get your AI swag on with easy-to-use tools that don't require hardcore coding skills. Drag-and-drop your way to building chatbots or creating dope image recognition models.

  2. Experiment with cloud services: Level up your AI game with cloud-based services from major providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. They've got APIs that make it slick to add AI powers to your apps.

  3. Learn from open-source libraries: Join the AI squad and learn from the best with open-source libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch. They've got docs, tutorials, and dope examples to get you in the AI groove.

  4. Start small and iterate: Don't stress! Start small, learn from mistakes, and keep iterating. Build your AI skills one step at a time and level up your game.

  5. Mind your data: Data is king in the AI kingdom. Keep it clean, organized, and relevant to get those AI models on fleek.

  6. Evaluate and interpret: Measure your AI prowess with relevant metrics. Understand your model's strengths and weaknesses and make those improvements.

  7. Be ethical and bias-free: Keep it real and fair with your AI skill and experience. Mind those biases and ethical considerations, and strive for transparency and fairness in your applications.

  8. Stay updated with the latest: Stay aware of and competitive with the latest AI advancements…and how to use them. Follow the hype at conferences, journals, and research pubs to stay ahead of the game.

  9. Collaborate and learn from others: Team up with other AI users and creators, join online communities, and learn from their experiences. It's all about that collective knowledge to level up your AI hustle!

In conclusion, AI is the future of technology, and with these tips, you're equipped to ride the wave of innovation. Embrace pre-trained models, user-friendly tools, cloud services, open-source libraries, and iterative learning. Mind your data, evaluate and interpret results, practice ethical and bias-free AI, stay updated, collaborate, and learn from others. With dedication and innovation, you'll level up your AI skills and make your mark in the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence. Stay focused, ethical, and innovative, and you'll be on your way to AI success! #AIinnovation #AIsuccess


© 2023 Liam Ian (LIAM IAN LLC)