Please detail your ideas, concepts, themes or inspirations for this shoot.
What are the primary colors of this event? What is the general design and message being communicated by and during this event?
Event Schedule: Beginning (Please provide a brief description of the beginning and beginning activities of the event as to point out the initial key elements to shoot.)
Event Schedule: Middle (Please--beginning within the Time--provide a brief description of the middle or mid-section of the event pointing out key elements and activities to be shot or even key to being video recorded.)
Event Schedule: Ending (Please--detailing the end Time as well--provide a brief description of the end or end activities of the event and still those key elements or activities to be shot.)
*It is our practice to anticipate the ending not necessarily when anticipated as it is usually the attendees and other possible organizers truly decide this based the conditions and mood. We recommend that our clients think and assess beyond the "End Time" of the event to include post-event social activities and such.
What or WHO are the key individuals to shoot? Let us know! If it is beyond a primary couple of individuals, it is best to let us know ahead of time so when know how to further plan and prepare. If there is a specific thing or area that needs to be shot, we recommend you detail that as well.
Please detail key information or things to be aware of in implement Portrait Sessions during this event.
Please provide the recommended or established hashtags for the event.
Please provide us with any other social media accounts being or to be used during Tagging when posting and sharing.
As to stay consistent with the overall messaging, idea and aesthetic of the event, please provide us with the desired Content Concepts or Ideas that are being kept--and to keep--in mind during posts and sharing.
While transit is the responsibility of the contractor, parking and staging at the location is that of the event management. Please provide us with where we can or need to park.
Please inform us of any (business, community, organization, city, county, state, or federal) rules, regulations or associated laws requiring attention when shooting, acting or being present within this location.
Please provide us with any specific editing styles you may desire of specific shots or individuals.
Please provide us with any issues or concerns with posting online via our primary LIAM IAN™ SM account (IG: @Liam.Ian.LLC) or at our primary website,
*Be aware that reserve the right to use any image gained thru our services for promotional and public media and marketing purposes unless otherwise discussed, documented and directed.